Education is extremely important for everyone. It plays a vital role in every lives. But sometimes it is also crucial to spend some time in extra curricular activities. It can be indoor or outdoor.
In recent times, children’s hobbies have sparked great debates about whether they should be educational or not. Although several people feel that non-educational activities waste children’s valuable learning time, I do b
We live in a world of fierce competition. This sense of competition comes from our comparative thinking, which never leads us towards satisfaction. From childhood, children must learn to find a better life principle and
It is argued that childrens should use their free time for study purpose or else that could be waste of time. I disagree with the statement as there are several possitives involved in getting childrens exposed to outside
Education has most important impacr in our lives. We get our education when we are small. Some people argue that infants shouls start their schooling since they are small, but others disagree with that. In my view, I wou
Education has the most important impact on our lives. We get our education since we are small. Some people would agree that children should get their education since they are small, others would disagree with that. In my
Nowadays, schools are teaching many different subjects. Some people assert that it is important to teach children physical lessons, whereas other people believe that schools ought focus on academic subjects rather than o
Since parents wish the best instruction for their children, it has been debated whether physical activities should be part of the school educational program. Some people support gym classes considering the benefits of ph
Since parents wish the best education for their children, it has been debated whether physical activities should be part of the school educational program. Some people support gym classes considering the benefits of phys
There are different opinions about education all around the world. This can be explained by differences in traditions, culture and country needs. Indeed, many people claim that the balance between academic classes and ph