The diagram illustrate the cheesemaking process, from raw milk to mature cheese. Raw milk is initially pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria and then filtered. In traditional cheesemaking, fermenting microorganisms is add
There is a bar that illustrates the recognation of well-known instagram acounts in 2018 and 2021. Overall, all accounts approximately had same level of instagram influencers in 2018, and it increased to about 250 million
The bar chart illustrates the quantity of percentage of distinct materials of household garbages, namely plastic, cans, paper, glass, which were recycled in 1992 , 1997, and 2002.
The bar chart illustrate, the number of visitors to three different museums (National Gallery, Victoria and Alber museum and British museum) in London between 2007 and 2012. Units are meausred in millions.
The bar chart demonstrates the quantity of international students who had applied to the universities in a country in Europe in the period from 2004 to 2008.
Overall, Sweden experienced a downward trend, while Finland showed an upward trend throughout the period. Both countries’ divorce rate had some fluctuations. Although Finland initially had a lower rate, it outraced Swede
The line chart illustrates the changes in the quantity of fossil fuel products manufacturing in UK from 1981 to 2000 in term of energy unit which was defined based on the energy from one million tonnes of oil.
The diagram illustrates various steps about how to produce a chain in the US.There are eight stages starting with home consomers and ending with production.
The map illustrates the differences in the city of Nelson in recent years. Overall, it can be clearly seen that the Nelson has undergone extensive development from 2000 to 2025.
The table illustrates the percentage of national consumer expenditure by various types of categories such as Food,Drinks, Tobacco , Clothing and Education in 2002