While the first figure illustrates the site of the school in 2004 including 600 students, the second one shows the prediction of the site school in 2024, which will be including 1000 students.
The bar chart given illustrates the number of students from India,Nepal,Vietnam,Indonesia,and Colombia that are enrolled at the university of Smithtown,Riverview,and Earlwood.
The bar chart illustrates the number of international students from five different countries enrolments at three universities: Smithtown University, University of Riverview and Earlwood University.
The presented pie charts compare data about the proportion of those who obtained their university diplomas in 2 different sections that were Arts and Science in a special country at 2 points in time namely, 1980 and 2009
The given line chart compares data about how much money per million dollars 3 various countries namely, Colombia, Japan, and Myanmar received from exporting clothes between 1999 and 2003.
The line graph illustrates how many megatonne of air pollution produced by four different sources, transport, industry, total air pollutants and households, in the United Kingdom between 1990 and 2005.
The table provides data about subway systems in six different cities. Overall, it can be seen that New York City Subway has the highest number of lines and total length. Other that that, cities in Asia have more annual j
The table provides education and employment statistics for eight European nations in 2015. Included are employment and higher education rates, as well as figures for average income. First of all, it is interesting to not
The table illustrates the annual milk production in four countries: Netherlands, Australia, Tanzania, and Guatemala over three decades exactly 1990, 2000, and 2010.
The process diagram illustrates how yogurt is made from milk, live bacteria, and aditives such as sugar and flavors. Overall, the procedure has 7 steps that starts with the raw ingredients to the packaging and distributi
The bar chart illustrates the information about the number of visitors, categorized into three groups, adult visitors, visitors aged under 15 and special exhibition visitors, who visited the museum between 1997 and 2012.
The line graph provides information about a comparison of the changes in the birth rates of two different countries, namely, China and the USA between 1920 and 2000.