The charts illustrate the future projected production of several sectors in 2040 and 2060. Overall, it is clear that more services will be produced in the future.
The line graph illustrates the proportion of Australian exports to four different regions in the period between 1990 and 2012. At first sight, the destinations can be divided into two groups: the first one contains China
The diagram depicts the blueprint of a general library 20 years ago and what it presently looks like. Overall, it is evident that the library has been renovated with some rearrangements and new infrastructure.
The map illustrates the layout of the town of Bellingham where the number of inhabitants inclined and several developments occurred between 1980 and 2019.
The given line chart illustrates the change in the monthly temperature of three big cities in the world, while the table shows the average number of hours of sunshine in a year.
The pie chart represents the prevalence of different ways of consuming data in Canada and Australia. Each diagram illustrates the percentage of 5 distinctive types of announcements spreading such as TV, radio, print, on
The pie chart represents how methods of accessing the news differ between Canadian and Australian citizens. There are two pie charts for Canada and Australia , and five categories of ways how people receive the news such
The pie chart depicts the percentage of various types of British families (single-aged persons, aged couples, single without children, couples without children, sole parents, couples with children, and all households) li
The pie charts depict online shopping sales for four sectors (electronic and appliance ,food and beverage, home furnishings , and video games) in Canada between two years (2005 and 2010).
The chart gives information about the the amount of jobs in tourism-related industries in the United Kingdom from 1989 to 2009 in various categories: Restaurants, hotels, sports & leisure and travel & tours.