The two-bar chart illustrates the proportion of British individuals who made money donations to charity by age range in two distinct years, in 1990 and in 2010.
The line graph illustrates the consumption trends of three types of fast food—pizza, hamburgers, and fish and chips—among Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000. Overall, fish and chips declined in popularity, while hamb
The given graph provides information about the average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in four countries: the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal from 1967 to 2007.
The given pie charts provide information about the percentage of British students who were able to communicate in another language rather than their native in an English university, at two distinct years, in 2000 and in
The pie charts illustrate the amount of electricity which was generated in Germany and France in 2009. Units are measured in billion kWh and percentages.
The provided diagram illustrates the process of ethanol production. Overall, it can be observed that this picture covers all the steps from the factors that plants need to grow, to the end, which is the usage of this liq
The line graph illustrates the number of participants in five different activities at a social centre in Melbourne, Australia, between 2000 and 2020. The activities include film club, martial arts, amateur dramatics, tab
The two maps illustrate the transformations that occurred in the city of Nelson between 2000 and the present day. Overall, the area underwent significant modernization during this period. With the construction of new ame
The two illustrations provide data on the number of students who attends three different dance classes and the various location that they use for their classes in Australia.
The given line graph illustrates the proportion of the population living in was lived in urban centers in four different Asian countries, –Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia– since 1970 with projections thro