The chart shows the timeseries data of the number of foreign students from Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore between 1982 and 2000 in Australia. As seen in the graph, in general, all of countries had an increased
The bar chart illustrates data about weekly working hours in 2002 in France and Denmark. Overall, Denmark employees worked more hours compared to France.
The bar chart illustrates the various levels of after-school qualifications in Australia and the percentage of males and females who possessed them in 1999.
The presented table compares data about the percentage of water that is utilised in 3 various sections namely, Domestic use, industry, and agriculture in 4 different areas that are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, and C
The graph illustrates data about the about the percentage of the demographics in four Asian republics living in towns between 1970-2020 , with forecasting for 2030 and 2040.
The line chart displays data about the percentages of the populations in Philippines, malaysia, Tailand and Indonesia living in cities from the year 1970 to 2020 and predictions for the years 2030 and 2040.
the line graph illustrates that people in 4 sections such as Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. who residents in cities from1970 to 2020, with predictions for 2030 and 2040. the units are measured in percenta
The bar chart illustrates the proporation of water use in different categories namely domestic, agricultural ,and industrial in gulf countries in 2000.
The table compares the patterns of employment for people of both genders in New Zealand in four sectors. The comparison is made between 2003 and 2004 in three different categories.
The table compares between underground systems in six different cities over the world. The data includes a number of lines, total length in miles, the number of annual journeys and the cost of a single fare in US dollars
The table compares underground systems in six different cities all over the world. The data includes a number of lines, total length in miles, the number of annual journeys and the cost of a single fare in US dollars.