The table provides three data categories (data opened, kilometres of the route and passengers per year) for the subway systems in 6 cities including London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles.
The plans illustrate the development of Porth Harbour in 2000 and as of today. Overall, the port has been expanded to provide more ferries and to accommodate more tourists coming to the harbour. Moreover, new constructio
The line graph illustrates the total proportion of three distinct types of junk food usage in Australian youngsters in the twenty-five-year time from 1975 to 2000.
These pictures depict the changes an island has experienced over time, the first picture illustrates the island before construction and the second picture indicates the changes in the island where new buildings have been
A glance at the line graph given the gym visitors' monthly percentage in a particular country between 1990 and 2003. The visitors contained in four groups, such as young adult (18-25 years old), adult ((26-45 years old)
The aforementioned graph illustrates the top ten countries for the production and consumption of 10 different nations in the year 2014 measured in billion kilowatt-hours. It compares how much the country can make and dra