The chart shows the difference between the years 2000, 2024, and 2025, in Southland’s main exports: international tourism, dairy products, and meat products.
The plans illustrate the transformation of a harbour in 2000 and today. At first glance, it seems the whole map did not change during these years, however, the activity of many places has changed since 2000.
The plans illustrate the development of a harbour from the year 2000 to the present day. Overall, the harbour has seen significant changes, transforming from a primarily industrial area to a more recreational and tourism
The salmon fish has small life cycle, that there are only three main features on it. Fry, smolt and adult salmon are the parts of the salmon life cycle. However, every part, the salmon will have another size and look.
The bar charts provide key information about the distances traveled on both public and private transportation and how long it takes in various European countries . The units are measured in Kilometers and minutes.
The bar chart provides key information about the percentages of contents the Iceland society from 1990 to 2020.The comparison was by the age of each content.
The provided bar graph demonstrates information about three various industries as a percentage share to gross domestic products in India between 1960 to 2000.
The chart below depicts the amount of films produced in between the period 2007 and 2009 by 5 countries. The years are color coded green, blue, and yellow respectively.
The line graph provided demonstrates different activites old people do reading, hiking, theatre, watching TV and surfing the internet in their leisure time in the period of 30 years.
The line graph and pie chart depict the number of crime (in tens of thousands) according to the age and the proportion of four types of crime in the UK last year
The graph compares the proportion of four different transportation that people in the UK used over a period of 40 years.Private cars, public transportation,recreational vehicles, and commercial vehicles were used by the
the table shows the number of students who attended Bristol University in the three years 1928, 1958, and 2008, with an emphasis on the distribution of men and womenby country of origin. Overall, enrollment at Bristol Un
This given bar chart illustrates infarmation about households in the country spend thier weekly salary in this period 1968 till 2018. Overall, there are 8 various like food,housing,fuel and power. So, the highest one was