The diagram illustrates the production of five tea types, starting from leaf growth. Overall, it is clear that they have similar processes. The difference is only from the withering to the drying process, while the leave
The diagram represents the steps that are involved while processing tea leaves to obtain a certain type of type. The digram outlines the process to make White Tea, Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Large Leaf Black Tea and Small Le
The listed diagram depicts the manufacturing process, describing a series of 4 to 6 phases through which harvested tea leaves are made as five kinds of tea, consisting of leaf cultivating, pulling, withering, steaming, r
A glance at the diagram provides the processes of producing five different kinds of tea including white tea, green tea, oolong tea, large-leaf black tea and small-leat black tea.
The flow chart illustrates the process of five distinct types of the teas which are white, green,oolong large leaf black and small leaf black tea. Overall, it can be seen that first three steps of manufracturing the five
The given diagram represents how five tea types are being produced from tea leaves. At first glance, we can notice that the number of stages and particular stages varies for different types of tea.
The diagram presents the manufacture of five different types of tea. It is immediately apparent that although all the teas are produced from the same leaf, the differences in the manufacturing process result in five diff