The line chart depicts the proportion of British audiences who listened to the radio and watched TV during the time between October and December in 1992.
contained in the given line graph is the quatity of books borrowed from June to September whislt the pie chart illustrated the proportion of distinct types of books in 2014.
The line graph shows the population in the age of 65 years and over in three different countries, including the USA, Sweden, and Japan, from 1940 to the next century.
The line graph illustrates the percentage of four different age groups of cinema visitors in a particular country over a 30-year period, which started in 1978.
The line graph provides information about the number of the use of products in covert industry, namely, timber, paper and pulp in Europen country between 1980 nad 2000
The line graph illustrates the changes in the number of participants engaging in four different sports, namely badminton, tennis, basketball, and rugby, in a specific European country from 1985 to 2005.