IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The maps illustrate Ilsip town centre now, and the planned development of it in the future.
There are two maps both maps show the construction of the building change from the Islip town centre now will illustrate the plans for the development of the building.
The diagrams illustrate the downtown of LSLIP town currently, and schemes in order to develop this small town.
These days the population of some countries (most countries) includes a relatively large number of young adults, Compared with the number of older people. Most people don not want to have children. This is possible for v
Those two maps illustrate the plans to change the city centre, namely Islip, more upgrade. Overall, it can clearly seen that there will be many improvements in the number of buildings, the roads, and also the positions i
he given maps represent the comparison of the present and future structures of the Islip town centre.
The maps compare the present status of the centre area of the city Islip, which is a minuscule town, with its figures after future developments.
The maps show how Islip town is now and how it will develop in the future.
There are two maps, both maps show the construction of building changes from Islip town centre now will illustrate the plans development of the building. Overall, there are several differences between the space and plac
Two maps compare today's outline of a town centre and its planned development. Overall, almost every part of the site will be changed and circled by a dual carriageway.
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