IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Land degradation is when the value of a land decreases by losing it's ability to produce food and nutritions . The chart represent the reasons that contributed to it , While there are various factors , we will focus on t
The provided diagram indicates the causes of reducing in land used for agriculture, whereas, the table represents the effects of these reasons on different sections in 1990s.
The pie graph indicates the primary reasons that the production of farming land decreased,while the accompanying table highlights land degradation across North America, Europe and Oceania and how they were affected from
A glance at the pie chart delineates information about the commensurability of the staple factors degrading land production throughout the world, and the second one, the table, tabulates the statistics of threefold regio
Given are 2 figures concerning land degradation. The pie chart demonstrates 4 main reasons for it and the table categorizes it by 3 different regions. Overall, it is noticeable from the pie chart that the 3main causes of
The pie chart shows the possible reasons of land degradation around the globe, while the table depicts the causes by regions. Units are measured in percentages.
The top diagram illustrates causes of global land deteriorate and the table presents the percentage of land destruction by territory.
The pie chart offers a glimpse into the causes of worldwide land degradation by category, with the accompanying table presents the same issue by region, namely North America, Europe and Oceania.
The pie chart illustrates the crucial reasons why agricultural place becomes less productive, while the table compares causes and affected three variety areas of the world during 1990s.
The pie chart compares the shares of the main causes of global land degradation, whereas the table illustrates the percentage of how three different regions were affected by degraded land during the 1990s.
The pie chart illustrates the primary reason why agricultural land is less productive whereas the table compares these causes in three various regions of the world during the 1990s.
The given pie chart demonstrates the utmost causes for worldwide land degradation and the table chart illustrates three different regions of the planet which were affected by it during the year 1990.
The pie chart displays the factors that lead to land degradation while the table below indicates the data of land degradation in different regions due to factors mentioned. Overall, it can be seen that deforestation and
The pie chart informs the reasons of agricultural land becomes less productive which is divided into four categories. Also, the table depicts the regions suffered land degradation in three continental namely North Americ
The first chart displays the major causes of global land degradation. The second graph, how three regions of the world were affected by forest clearance, over-cultivation, and over-grazing in the 1990s, is depicted. Over
The first chart displays the major causes of global land degradation. The second graph, how three regions of the world were affected by deforestation, over-cultivation, and over-grazing in the 1990s is depicted. Overall,
The charts provide information on four factors that led to the decline in agricultural land productivity in the 1990s, as well as the areas impacted.
The given pie chart illustrates key facts behind the less productiveness of farm lands and the table describes the the way, how above reasons affected three areas of the globe in 1990s .
The pie chart illustrate the commen causes that affected the agriculturl productivity. the table depicts the impact of these reasons on three countries in 1990.
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