IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, In the modern world era some people always look to solve their problems in easy way. That’s why people learning and adopting new skills and technology. I personally agree with trying new ways instead of old tec
Some people believe that due to new inventions, nations are gradually phasing out their ancient skills and lifestyles and it would be meaningless to preserve them. However, I completely disagree with this opinion since t
World technology has been growing at an exponential speed, and the older skills and ways of life are getting absolute. Countries who aren’t technologically advanced try and hold on to their old working and living pattern
To be honest, in today's world technology has become an essential commodity for a country and its people. It is an irrefutable fact that technological developments have started to dig the grave of traditional skills, but
Due to advancement in technology, the value of traditional methods and individuals old culture is in continuous danger. Owing to this reason, it has been said by many, It is senseless to strive and preserve them from des
Nowadays, technological advancement and their rapid and wide applications are having a significant impact on a nation's traditional skills and styles of life. Some argue that such impact is so extraordinary that it would
There is no doubt that the development of technology is highly important for every country now. However, some people say that it leads to destruction of traditional lifestyle and skills. In my opinion, technology improve
Technology has been flourishing by leaps and bounds making human update with them. When a nation accepts automation, the old expertise and ideas is wiped out. And it is worthless to maintain those ways. I certainly disa
Nowadays, there are various problems facing the world of which health is a major concern. In many countries, natural remedies and a healthy lifestyle have been replaced by advance technology especially in the health sect
As a widespread fact, the technological revolution affects all countries around the world in myriad ways significantly. Many old fashioned jobs and practices have already become extinct due to the improvement of technolo
Technology not only acts as a catalyst for the development of human civilization and the enhancement of the quality of life, but it also pays the way for maintaining traditional skills and ways of life. I completely disa
It cannot be denied that nowadays technology is completely helpful to ease what people do in their daily activities so that some of the society believes that they do not need traditional skills and ways of life any furth
Latest developments in systems and machines are taking over traditional types of works and it is becoming more and more difficult to keep old skills alive. I have mixed views about the situation as per points mentioned b
With the advancement of applied science, many nations have certainly forgotten their conventional method of living and methods to do certain task. However, some people opine that it becomes unnecessary to make a live the
In this age of advance science, many new technologies have been developed and countries around the world have embraced these developments in every walk of their life. However, such embracement has caused the traditional
Technology developments have enhanced many people's lives. It is argued that the traditional skills have vanished and it's useless when a country improves its technology. However, olden day practices are meaningless to m
Technology developments have enhanced many people's lives. It is argued that the traditional skills are vanished and it's useless, when country improves their technology. However, olden day practices are meaningless to
Technological advances are inevitable in all areas of human life and the speed of growth is accelerating in many fields of technology which significantly affects our daily life. Even though these developments make our tr
These days, it has become a fashionable trend for a country trying to develop its technology. However, at the same time, this condition has changed and made several aspects such as ability as well as the way of life igno
Technology has a vast impact in the transition of the world. It is believed that with the emergence of new technology in any nation, people lose their skills and it also impact on the their life in various ways. It is al
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