IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The purpose of this letter is to express my disagreement with your last week’s article in The Canadian Times about the town centres of Canada. I agree that the interior plan and the placement of stores are standard throu
I am writing a letter with regard to your article about that town centers in Saudi Arabia sharing a quite level of similarities. I have been doing tours in Jeddah for a long time and I like reading about towns centers si
I am writing this letter to express my disagreement with your article that was published on 15th May in ' times' about town centres ' s appearance in the city.
My name is Gurmit Singh. I am writing this letter to draw your immediate attention toward your printed article in 'The Hindu' newspaper about the town centres of our nation. Point number five in your article described th
I am a regular reader of your newspaper called " The Country", the articles published in this newspaper are informative and interesting. I just read an article which you published last week November 6, 2022, about the me
I hope you are doing well. I just read your article published in the newspaper on October 24, 2022 . Your article describes my town as looking similar to each other. I am writing this letter to let you know that I partia
My name is Jason, and I have just read an article in your newspaper. It mentioned that all the town centres in our country are more or less the same. In my view, I do not fully agree with the opinion.
I am writing in regard to your article about the similarity of all city centres in Iran. First of all, I should say I liked your article but I do not agree with your notion to some extent.
I have just read an article from your journal which claims the similarities between our country's town centres with others around the world, however, I don't totally agree and would like to expose my idea. Capitals aroun
I read an interesting article in Monday's national newspaper elaborating on the similarities between town centres in our country. However, I am not in complete accordance with you and therefore am writing this letter to
I am writing this letter in regard to an article about the differences in town centres of my home country which was published by your establishment a week ago. Although I agree with some statements of the article, some c
I am writing with reference to your article in the national newspaper for town centres in our country. In this regard, I agree with some of the points that were stated in the article like similar schools, office building
I recently came across your article in a national newspaper about town centres in my country and how they all look alike. I am writing this letter to explain why I disagree with the aforementioned conclusion.
I am a keen reader of your newspaper. I am writing this letter to bring your kind attention towards the topic in which you mentioned the town centres in last week's Times of India newspaper.
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter with regard to the recent article which was published in your newspaper which criticizes the similarity of various city centres of our country while I argue that at le
I am a resident of one of the most beautiful cities in India that is "Chandigarh". I just read your article in your newspaper "The Hindu" about the similarity between all the town centres in our country.
I have recently come across an article, published in your popular daily newspaper, which tried to shed some light on the looks of our town centres in our country. I am writing to thank you for the article, and express my
I have recently come across an article which was published in your newspaper and it is about my hometown.I partially agree with your daily because it was written in both negative and positive concept
I read an article in your esteemed newspaper in which the writer mentioned the town centres of my country. The article was very well written and provided a great deal of information on different shopping malls, restaur
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