IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Recently, I read an article in your newspaper about our town, and it claims that its centre is similar to any other town in our country. Although the statement is partially correct, I disagree with specific parts of the
I am excited and took great pride to write this letter as I can see a few adorable things about my town's places. In addition, an article which you published on the community parks and kid's play schools is really awesom
I am a citizen living in New Castle town. I appreciate your writing the article published in a national newspaper saying the beautiful scenery about my town center. You are right every shopping center is crowded and busy
I have just come across your article about the town centres here in XXX, and I am writing to let you know that there are some parts of your article that I do not favour with.
I am writing to you with regard to the article published in the National newspaper, which claims that all the town centres of India are indistinguishable.
I am writing this to share my disagreement with an article regarding the similarity of the town centres of our country, published in your national newspaper on 22nd May 2022.
I am writing with regard to your recent article on "Town centres throughout the country", in the Times newspaper. Unfortunately, some of the details in the article were not accurate, and I would like to offer some feedba
This has reference to your article on “town centres” in Times of India on 15 July 2022. I am Raja from Ahmedabad Gujarat and writing to inform you about my disagreement on the similarity of city centres in the entire cou
I am an avid reader of your esteemed newspaper and have an yearly subscription too. I am writing in connection to a fallacious piece of information which was printed on first June.
I am K.L Nimal Perera and I would like to inform you that, regarding the newspaper article last Sunday (20.06.2022). The article was about our town centre and the writer has been described about several things which town
I am writing with regard to the article which was published last Friday in your newspaper. It has claimed that town centers in my country all look alike.
This is regarding the article you published on 20nd May, regarding the town centres, according to which all the town centres in the country look similar. However, I am not in complete support of it.
I have been an ardent follower of your articles in 'The Washington Post'. I wake up every Sunday very enthusiastically looking forward to your weekly column. The recent article about town centres in Ireland was very info
I am your loyal reader over a decade, your article is very inspiring that is given me an refreshment in my daily life. In the recent article, your article was introduced my hometown, I was so exicted about it.
I am writing to you with regards to your article published in 'The Times Now' newspaper dated 15th March 2022. Your article described that there is very little versatility among the structures of town centres across my
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