IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One month ago, I bought an online Lenovo desktop computer from your store. Unfortunately, the product has suddenly stopped working and is impossible to switch on. I really need this desktop computer to complete my homewo
I am working in your company as a data scientist remotely from Turkey. I am writing this letter to report that my business computer is broken. It is an HP-543246DF model notebook which is very old.
I am writing to report a problem with a piece of equipment I purchased from your shop. I am a professional working from home and I heavily rely on this equipment to carry out my daily tasks.
I am writting to you to complain about the external hard disk which I purchaged from your shop last week on Monday.The files are not opening in the hard disk.
I purchased a laptop computer from your store five days ago and it does not seem to be working properly. The model is an X-1 and my receipt number is abcxyz. I have also attached a scanned copy of the receipt for your ki
I am writing this letter to ask for a service. A laptop is essential for me to work and its keyboard is not working properly. Moreover, when opening certain folders and files the screen is flashing. I reckon it is affect
I am writing this letter to provide feedback on the QuietComfort 35 II headphones that I purchased from you last week. I am having a problem while using it and would like your attention to this matter.
I am writing this letter to report a problem with the 3D mouse device that I purchased in June this year from your company's website. I have the full kepad version of 3D connection model 2.0 with serial number 9D4567G8,
I am Tim may. I am writing this letter to complain about my laptop which I purchased from your shop last month. As you told me that the laptop will be compatible with video conferencing websites and software like skype a
I bought a laptop from your store about 6 months ago and I am writing this letter to you regarding the screen fading issue I am facing since last few days.
I am one of the oldest customers of your Company that has bought almost all my electronic devices from your chain shopping. Last Monday, I bought a computer with a monitor from your store in Khayam Street. After two days
I am writing this letter in order to register a complaint about the Wi-Fi router which I bought from your shop last month. I am a regular customer of your shop and have never faced such issues.
I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with a Headphone which I bought from your shop last month. I am a regular customer of your shop and have never faced such issues.
Dear Sir/Madam My name is Niranjan. I have Employee ID No: 12345, and working as an Azure Administrator in our organization. I received a new laptop from the IT team last month. It was working well for me until yesterd
My name is Joy Kim. I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with the quality of the projector that I purchased last week on October 24th, 2022.
I know you’re looking for a dedicated deputy store manager who’ll continuously adapt practices and policies to meet changing demands and circumstances.
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