IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Books and movies are the interesting medium for young adults to learn ethics or morality. I completely agree with the statement that multimedia is a convenient and effective mode of learning and adolescents are more grav
In contemporary society, the influence of media, including literature and films, on the moral development of young individuals is widely debated. While real-life experiences are traditionally considered fundamental for d
Young people learn more from books or films/ movies about good behaviour rather than they learn from some real-life experiences. In my opinion I partially agree because both of ways have different impacts.
The young generation these days is more inspired by the print and mass media than by what is actually happening around them. I agree to this as I believe it might be because media programmes are backed by research done o
Immigration has always been very important in Europe. That is why a lot of attention is focused on people moving to different countries on the continent.
These days, the trend of learning is so different from the past, and young generations prefer to learn things from social media and other ways, so they learn good manners from books and films instead of parents or real-l
Youngsters experience well-behaved characteristics more from books and movies than actual experiences. I partially agree with this statement. Although young people might learn from people who are well-experienced, it mig
Some public believe that teenagers can get an education about how to be better people and have nice habits from reading books or watching films/movies in a better way from actual life experiences. Although I agree that
It is a common belief that teenagers are better at attitudes from books or movies than studying from real-life acquaintances. However, I firmly believe that the best way to become good at style is by learning and taking
Books and films teach good behaviour to teenagers instead of they learn from real-life experiences. I agree with the statement because young ones are more inclined towards academic books and movies and they indulge in t
After returning to Indonesia, he played an important role in advancing Tebuireng Pesantren. He not only assisted Hasyim Asy’ari to teach in this pesantren but also was involved in developing the curriculum and representi
Part of our upbringing nowadays relies on life lessons borrowed from multimedia content. It is thus assumed that books and films teach today's youth more about benign behaviour than real-life experiences. While movies a
Good manners have attracted ever-increasing public concerns in many countries. Whether these manners are learned more from books or films/ movies or real-life experiences is a controversial issue. In this writing, I enti
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