IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in connection with the request that you have made to all users to send their suggestions to improve the services and facilities in the public library.
My name is Sonia. I am a member of your library. There are many facilities available in the library and I like most of them. Collections of the books are wwonderfuln the bookstore such as historic notes, psychology, musi
I am writing this letter after seeing a notice which was posted outside your library, in which you have asked for some opinions about improving services and facilities. I would like to give you honest feedback and some r
My name is Sejal Patel, it has been more than five years since I am using the public library. The main endeavour of writing this letter is to present my opinion about the library.
I am really excited about this part of the improvements.I am one of your regular users of this library .In fact, since my early childhood I loved to visit this centre. There are a lot of books which are rare to get outsi
I am writing this letter to make a few suggestions to the library in my community. Although the library has a great collection of literature and services offered a change to the ambience of the library itself is necessar
I am writing to let you know that I am very content with the collection of books the library offers to read. It almost covers a wide range of genres from romance, mystery, politics, motivational, history, mythology to li
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