People usually purchase more cars when a nation progresses. In my opinion, this could be advantages for them as it is convenient and useful in daily use but also has few drawbacks to be taken into account. Admittedly, there are some obvious benefits of buying a car. Firstly, it is very convenient to use when you have a big family. For example, if a family is consists of four to five people, it oftens becomes difficult to travel together from one place to another. Public transport might be a solution but not all the times Hence if a family of more than five members buys a car, they can comfortably move where ever needed. Secondly, cars can be used in harsh climate especially during summer when the temperature is extremely hot. Since air conditioners can be installed in cars, one can avoid the heat outside. Thus, one can protect themselves from the from the weather. Nevertheless, there are some crucial disadvantages which cannot be ignored. One of the main disadvantages is the...