IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Nowadays, personal computer starts to be an every-day-life tool for resolving bunch of issues. It is coming into the education sphere too, so there is debate about positive and negative remedies of computers in education never stops.
In this modern world, there are some governments are pursuing a policy of relocating industries and businesses from the urban areas in the regional areas. Although there are some drawbacks, I would argue that there are more benefits.
People all around the world have been paying more attention to the significance of genetic engineering and one indispensable perspective of that is genetically-modified food (GMO). Although this new trend occasionally brings numerous benefits to humanity, it cannot be excluded from the fact that it could come along with downsized aspects. This essay will outline some outstanding advantages alongside inescapable drawbacks of this pattern.
It is believed by some people that education is absolutely crucial for all the children. This essay argues that pupils obtain schooling as soon as possible, but other polarised that babies only stay at home. I will explicate children want to go school of advantages and disadvantages in this subsequent paragraph.
A government has many great responsibilities to its citizens and better health care for everyone is one of them. While free medical service is hard to maintain for a government with budget scarcity, it is a must to ensure a healthy nation. Some disadvantages are there but they can be controlled with strict laws and monitoring.
Automation has been the concept that always in the debates from the beginning of the century. A lot of people think that machines replacing humans in work is bad for society and some people argue that it is good to replace machines in everywhere. In fact, we need machines, but the usage of the must be limited.
These days internet technologies are helping people in connecting with their relatives and friends without the boundaries of distance and cost, but many people think that the technology has made people become less socialized and more individualistic. However, there are both Pros and Cons to decide to do this I believe that its merits outweigh its demerits.
Before embarking on college many young people are advised that a year working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that saving money is the biggest advantage and a reduced motivation to study is the primary disadvantage.
Nowadays, purchasing books, flight tickets and groceries online has become very famous. This essay will argue that the benefits of online shopping have more advantages as it reduces the shopping time and provides more variety of items online.
The use of cell phones in twenty-first century has increased exponentially. Smart phones are more popular as it offers a wide variety of features besides the traditional usage of phone for making calls only.
In recent times, Any criminal proceedings are broadcast on television for public in certain countries. In my view, while this may create awareness about the judicial process and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.
Recently, due to the growth in foreign trade, most products, even those utilized frequently, are manufactured and are often imported from another country by means of transportation despite the far distance. Although, there are benefits to this trend, but the adverse effect on our is much more as a result of the risk involved.
It can be noticed that there is an increasing number of people working as self-employed. This essay is going to reveal and discuss the reasons and disadvantages of this recent phenomenon.
In the recent times, the trend of having own work instead of working under an organisation has been widespread. There are many factors behind this overwhelming tendency and some merits are also associated with the same approach which will be explicated in the upcoming paragraphs.
ECommerce business has been in vogue through the recent times. Started as a word of mouth, it has florist in myriads and is widespread in almost all major cities throughout the world.
There is mixed opinion about whether to grow up kids in cities or at countryside, this essay discusses benefits and drawbacks of both the aspects. However, cities have some more drawbacks than countryside which will be discussed in this essay.
In today's globalised world, it is true that online courses are becoming a common feature of University education. Although there are some drawbacks of internet-based learning, I would argue that there are far more benefits. The essay will first demonstrate that the instant availability of a huge amount of information is the primary advantage, followed by a discussion of how it can sometimes lead to plagiarism.
As responsible citizens of a progressive society, everyone should suggest their children do a volunteer work. In today's generation, young adults have a lack of social life and not enough awareness to aid poor people. Personally, I believe this aspect have more pros rather than the cons.
These days, many people are considering taking a year off between school and university. Having a year off can have its advantages and disadvantages depending on how one utilises their available time. In this essay, I am going to discuss the benefits and problems associated with this and support them with examples.
Schooling plays a pivotal role in the development of a country. Therefore, the authority pay for the learning of the young ones in many nations to lessen the burden of expenses on their wards. As far as I am concerned, I think that this approach has manifold merits rather than demerits which will be explicated in the paragraphs to come.
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