IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The most debated topic, should the fossil fuel cars be banned and replaced with electric ones ? ,well let us look into it briefly. Fossil fuel is very old and a proven technology whereas electric ones are relatively new
The housing issue has always been a pressing one. Many people keep on preferring to live in a traditional house, while others in modern apartment buildings. I believe life in a flat is more advantageous due to the fact t
Car technology should overcome old vehicles and they must be transferred gradually to be electric machines. In this essay, I will discuss why I agree with this Idea and give my opinion.
It is an opinion that there should be a halt to the usage of cars operated by fossil fuel and electric cars should be encouraged as an alternative. I find this proposal quite reasonable.
We should encourage more use of Electrical vehicles over those that burn excess amounts of fossil fuels. I am totally agreeing with the statement stated in the essay question because of many facts. As they are more envir
With the advancement of technology and innovation, nowadays the world has the better technology for transportation called electric vehicle car, which will be the majority in the future. Therefore, some people including m
Modern cities have consisted of many automobiles that use fossil fuels. Unfortunately, these types of cars release CO2 into the atmosphere, which is dangerous for the environment and public health. That is why many gover
It is argued that all cars that run on fuels should be banned and electric cars should be used instead of oils cars. I totally agree with the statement because there can decrease the level of carbon monoxide in the air a
Many companies conduct interviews before making a job offer to someone. This essay will argue that this is not the most appropriate way to recruit people because an interview is not a true reflection of a person’s abilit
Nowadays people think that an automobile that runs from petroleum-based oil should be prohibited and instead with the motor that uses electricity as a fuel. In my opinion, I agree with this statement because vehicles fro
A few folks argue that vehicles that use conventional fuel are the bane to society and should be prohibited because it causes air pollution to rise along with it should be substituted by environmentally-friendly electr
In the age of industrialization and modernization, people are finding out more way to make advantages of the natural resources, however, they are contributing to the destructive activities to the environment. It is recom
Total Vehicles that are running on city roads, that uses petrol and diesel as fuel, should not be allowed and prohibited for its use, and instead most efficient and environmentally-friendly electric cars are used. I tota
Total Vehicles that are running on city roads, that uses petrol and diesel as fuel, should not be allowed and prohibited for its use, and instead most efficient and environmentally friendly electric cars are used.
Total Vehicles that are running on city roads, that uses petrol and diesel as fuel, should not allowed and prohibited for its use, and instead most efficient and environment friendly electric cars be used.
The advancement in technology has introduced the various updations in the automobile sector to human beings with many benefits. However, Some opine that petrol and diesel cars should be replaced by electric ones. I firml
In current era car has become necessity to everyone of their life. Most of the people prefer cars for their journey so that they can not get tired. However smoke that release from cars when fossil fuel burns, is very muc
As the ecological problems grow, the electric cars should be used in lien of all the vehicles that emit harmful gases and the traditional types of cars must be restricted. This essay completely agrees with the statement
Motor vehicles that are using non-renewable energy sources should be removed from the usage and they are supposed to be replaced by electric cars. I completely agree with this opinion because they cause a lot of air poll
Cars such as Tesla which are run by electricity have attained huge popularity in recent times. Considering the negative impact of non-renewable energies on the environment, many people are calling to put an end to cars t
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