Today, due to the extremely increasing Global warming issue all around the world, most countries suggest moving to green energy, however, it might cause numerous economic consequences. I suppose, that despite the compli
In contemporary society, numerous countries are increasingly investing in renewable energy sources as part of a broader initiative to combat global warming. I contend that the advantages of alternative energy sources, su
In the modern days alot of contys trying to shift their sources of energies from oil and gas to a more clean energy,In my opinion i see future without oil and gas and that due to the huge harms wich caused by it,Allover
These days, sustainable energy has been argued as a new paradigm that can solve the climate problem. Be that as it may, however, there are some saying perceives that the cost of producing such energy from the natural res
In today's energy landscape, the debate over whether alternative sources such as wind, waves, and solar power can effectively supplant traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas for powering cities and transportati
The global warming and a climate change always warns to limit the use of fossil fuels. However, to replace them with the renewable energy becomes a challenging as it is way far expensive than the fossils. That is why I
Nowadays, with the rapid development of sciences and technologies, wide range of power sourses have been invented and widely used . Many believes that new sourses of environmental friendly energy sourses like wind, wate
Fossil fuels have been an easy-to-access resource for us for a long time. But there are some problems we are facing today. One of them is that, they are not renewable and they probably will finish in 50 years. Other opti
Undoubtedly, the amount of natural resources the Earth possesses in the current era is insufficient to power our cities and transport goods for the next few decades. Therefore, it is imperative to explore alternative res
Alternative energy sources are considered the answer to our reliance on fossil fuels, as sources of alternative energy are low emitters of CO2 and are sustainable means of providing electrical power. Critics of green en
It is argued that alternative energy sources such as solar power, wave and wind are costly and they are not a good substitute compared to the traditional energy sources such as coil, oil and gas in cities and transport.
Nearly two weeks ago, my friends encouraged me to go to Riga. I was thrilled by this idea because I wanted to see my friend Vitalik, who is living in Riga and whom I haven't seen for almost a year. Besides that, it was t
There is a school of thought that assumes the cost of renewable energy sources is unaffordable for the general public at the same time, it is not easy to change our main sources of energy, which are fossil fuels, used in
The other forms of energy solar , wind and turbine powers are finding expensive to use instead of fossil fuel and it's by-products are which are the main source of power in urban areas to run vehicles and industries. I
It is a heated debate that the sources of renewable energy, such as wind, seawater, and sunlight are costly and ineffective to replace the non-renewable energy that has been widely used in our daily lives. In my opinio
Nowadays, it is clear how the global technological and economic growth can no longer occur at expense of our environment. Few would debate that, while industries and transport still rely on traditional energy sources, li
As time goes by, it is inevitable not to use a variety of types of energy due to surprisingly high demand for uses from all over the world. Though it is true that any new styles of efficiency seem too difficult to use fr
Atlhough it is thought that auatainable alternative energy sourses that consume natural solar, wave, wind, and hydroelectric powers are unfordable due to expensive costs and complications of realisation that progects an
In recent decades, renewable energy has become one of the most debated subjects all over the globe. Some say that the costs of producing environmental-friendly electricity are too high and we should not rely on this alte
It is argued that using renewable potential for industry and consumerism is not cheap and even quite challenging to substitute fossil fuel like gas, oil,..While I accept that this change has several obstacles, I also bel