IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people believe that the papers will become obsolute in the future, due to the increasing popularity of the internet. On the other hand, conventional newspaper has lost its allure somewhat to the young generation, as
Ultimately, websites are being visited more and more by all ages, and this interaction between humanity and technology has delayed the relationship with other ways of obtaining information such as newspapers. In this ess
In this era of digitalisation, smart-phones and applications have revolutionised the modes of consuming information. This has resulted in a decline in the the classical print industry. This essay will aim to provide a co
Over the past few decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the popularity of the Internet as the primary source of information. Consequently, newspapers are becoming outdated. In my opinion, I strongly agree with
With the rise of the internet popularity, newspapers are become out of date. I strongly agree with this statement due to the fact that almost everything that people want to know are on the net. Furthermore, with the emer
In the beginning the internet its more important things in the life ,you can not do anything with out internet ,you can not know what happen in the another country and you can’t read news in the internet ,in the past you
Technological disruption has had a huge impact on conventional media, such as newspapers, which seem to be less important nowadays. However, some might argue that newspapers still have value for elderly readers and as hi
Research has shown that the percentage of internet users has risen sharply nowadays. Thus, many people have forgotten the existence of newspapers and choose to read the news on the Internet. Even though this phenomenon o
It is thought that the Internet these days has turned into mainstream in our society; besides, newspapers are considered outdated and antiquated. From my perspective, I strongly agree with this notion and my supporting r
In this modern world, the popularity of newspapers is fading due to the alteration of internet access and more and more people are choosing to use it wisely anytime and anywhere. From my perspective, I completely agree w
Recently, there has been a statement that the internet has become more favourable, whereas newspapers are less consumed by society. In my opinion, I strongly agree with this view as many people prefer to read news from t
In the contemporary era, the advances of internet have left an impression that newspaper are losing its existence in today's live. I strongly advocate that newspaper will soon be replaced by other means of digital news,
Overall, I agree with the statement that the internet is dominating the world, and because of its convenience and accessibility people prefer the internet to watch the news instead of newspapers these days.
Because of the development of technology, newspapers are becoming unpopular compared to the Internet. With the fame of high-tech nowadays, the writer of this essay totally agrees that the huge information and the conveni
Nowadays, the Internet has become a major part of our day-to-day life. We are completely dependent on the Internet in a lot of ways even in the case of reading. Because of the convenience and accessibility of the Interne
It is believed that the internet is spreading worldwide, making newspapers becoming less popular. The writer firmly agrees with this notion as the internet holds various benefits including great accessibility and conveni
For the last couple of years, the internet has experienced growth in terms of popularity. The effect of this development on newspapers is that their popularity is now slowly fading. I agree with this statement because th
In this modern area, at the expense of the prevalence of computer networks, journals are going to be old-fashioned. The writer of this essay strongly agrees with this view due to the variety of sources as well as the pro
Nowadays, newspapers are considered something old styled, as a consequences internet rosed up on them. In this essay, I will explain this transition with a focus on new born era of internet news.
Day by day, everything changes, and our sorts of information also, that's why now the internet has chosen more than newspapers.
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