This bar chart provides key information about further education of both genders in Britain in three different periods. The chart also compares between the Study methods whether it is full-time or part-time.
The bar graph illustrates the population between men and women pursue additional degree of education in Britain for three years. Additionally, this alos illustrates in two categories of studying part time or full time .
The bar chart illustrates the number of men and women that took a place in education whether they were studying full-time or part-time in the United Kingdom.
The bar chart compares the participation of female and men in further education from 1970 to 1991, breaking down the data into two main categories for each gender: full-time and part-time education.
The bar graph illustrates the number of males and females in further learning in the UK at 3 distinct times and if they were studying full time or partial.
The bar graph illustrates the amount of male and female genders that pursued higher studies either full-time or part-time in United Kingdom in three different time periods.
The bar chart illustrates further education information for each two genders in Britain for the 1970/71, 1980/81 and 1990/91 periods. The diagram also shows information about education types like full-time or part-time.
The chart illustrates how many females and males pursued a further education, and if they were studying full-time or part-time, in three different periods in the UK.
The diagram depicts the number of men and women in higher education in the UK between three distinct periods and their classification whether as a full-time or part-time student.
The bar chart illustrates the number of people, divided by gender, who pursue full-time and part-time education in Britain from 1970 to 1990. Overall, the number of men and women who had full-time education was notably h
The given chart illustrates how many UK students, both male and female, were in further education in three different periods of time ten years apart from each other. In addition, it shows the difference between how many
The bar chart illustrates the number of men and women engaged in further education in Britain across three periods: 1970/71, 1980/81, and 1990/91. This data is categorized by full-time and part-time study.
The bar chart illustrates how much male and female population was undertaking their further education as full-time and part-time, during three different time periods: 1970/71, 1980/81, and 1990/91. The number of people a
The bar graph illustrates how many male and female students were studying full-time and part-time in Britain during the years 1970/1, 1980/1 and 1990/1.
The bar chart illustrates the total of male and female individuals who further their studies in both full-time and part-time education in three years with ten-year intervals from 1970 to 1990.
The bar chart illustrates the enrollment of men and women in higher education in UK across the three time periods, along with their enrollment status, either full-time or part-time.
This bar chart depicts the figure for the number of male and female students in three various periods of time in the UK and whether they were studying full-time or part-time. It is clear from the graph that , there were