IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Climate change has a huge impact on the entire world. Numerous people opine that it is individuals' responsibility to tackle this problem rather than states and big companies. I mostly disagree with this statement for a
Climate change is a condition that occurs for many reasons such as air pollution, noise contamination or marine taint that entangle countries globally. It seems to me that people have significant roles in this case and t
Some people believe that environment issues is not important because the climate change is a regular cycle of the Earth, which happening independent of human actitivities. Others think that the impact of human being in t
Global warming is a phenomenon where the temperature of the earth rises beyond average. Many believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon unsolveable to humans. However, I believe that human activities also has a
In recent years, global warming has become a worldwide concern. Some people argue that individuals should take more responsibility in tackling this problem compared to governments and corporations. I strongly disagree wi
Nowadays, the current situation about global warming has become a worldwide concern. Some people argue that to tackle this matter, the individuals should take more action compared to a bigger party such as corporations a
There is a contentious argument over whether climate change is the responsibility of the people or the government. I strongly agree with this statement, because climate change has reached a very difficult level where gov
Climate change represents a major threat to life on Earth. While some people argue that individuals should be responsible for this, I believe that not only them but also other corporations and governments should be in ch
It is firmly acknowledged that since climate change has a worldwide adverse, the burden of tackling its outcomes should be put on individuals and not conglamerates nor states. In this essay, I will argue that the respons
Nowadays we can see signs everywhere that the planet is getting warmer. Because there are more heat and cold waves than in the past. For this reason, many people believe that it is corporations' and authority's responsib
The pie charts show us how people in two countries Germany and Nigeria finding out the news in a typical week. These diagrams provide different ways of getting information, though there are some similarities and differen
In recent times, climate change is a global issue than in past years. A group of people argue that it is the responsibility of citizens rather than officialdoms and corporations. I disagree with this notion as people can
In recent years, the global warming is become worse and impacts wide of the nations, and plenty of people say that this problem is a public duty not the local authorities duty. In my opinion, I firmly believe that nation
With the global climate changes, it is deemed the responsibility of solving this issue falls mainly to individuals rather than municipalities and authorities. In my view, I believe that this problem concerns both individ
Climate change is a very real danger that threatens not only our lives but also the quality of life of future generations. To combat this I strongly disagree that individuals need to take responsibility because governmen
To gain success at the game, some individuals realize that physical energy is important, however, others confess that mental stability is more significant. I will this essay, I will examine both perceptions with solid
Climate change is a very real danger that threatens not only our lives but also the quality of life of future generations. To combat this I strongly disagree that individuals need to take burden because governments, in c
Climate variation is a recent challenge that nations are grappling with globally. Several folks hold the view that individuals are obligated to remedy this issue instead of the authorities and companies. Although the neg
In this day and age, climate change has had adverse ramifications on nations globally. Several people do have the perception that the onus is on individuals to find a solution to this menace instead of companies and gov
There has been a rising danger to countries around the world, which is climate change. It is aimed that people are responsible to deal with this issue individually, not depending on any other factors. In my opinion, I ar
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