IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the digital age, computers and artificial intelligence play an important role in human’s lives, particular online education. This writer believes that it can help students be proactive in studying which improve the ex
In digital age, AI technology and computers are being opted as essential devices for supporting education. This writer believes that modern applications will improve the study quality with the benefit of bringing necessa
Nowadays, online education is more and more using artificial intelligence and computers for teaching. As I see, technology can improve the quality of learning. To be honest, it may be the advantageous thing that brings t
In recent years, computers and A.I technology are opting for education. From my perspective, I will explain why AI can contribute to the learning experience and discuss the consequences in this essay.
Whether learners should use computer specially the Internet is an interesting discussion point. This writer argues that access to valuable resource.
Nowadays, computers and man-made technology are rising being applied to online education. A.I intelligence can update the learning experience and this statement causes both positive points and drawbacks . From this writ
Some people believe that computers and A.I technology are becoming more popular for online education in many years back. This can be because that the convenience in keep contract with others in far ways. In my perspectiv
Some people believe that computers and A.I technology are becoming more popular for online education in many years back. This can be because that the convenience in keep contract with others in far ways. In my perspectiv
Data processor and robotics are significantly increase being used for e-learning. This writer believes that this is a positive development due to improve the experience of our students to study online.
In today's digital age, many people are increasingly using A.I technology and computers for online learning, thus leading to enhance the experience of online education. This writer believes that this is a positive develo
In the initial age, our lives are more convenient than it is in the past because of the appearance of huge electric inventions. The primary reason that help student more modern and acknowledge in internet and A.I. In lig
In recent years, AI has been sharply important in education. In this essay, I want to show how students learn from technology and how it brings positive or negative ones.
Nowadays, technology and computers are significantly used for education online. This writer thinks that artificial intelligence can improve the experience of learning because of the large sources of broad knowledge it
Nowadays, A.Technology and computers are increased significantly used for education online. This writer thinks that artificial intelligence can improve the experience of learning because of the large sources of broad kn
In digital ages, it can not be unstoppable AI and computers technology increase sharply in using for online education. The writer of this essay think that artificial intelligence have the positive effect on the quality o
In this era, AI Technology and computers are being applied to online education widely. This writer believes that using artificial intelligence can improve learner’s experience and this is a positive development.
In this digital society, it is believed that AI technology and computers are being utilized for educational purposes. The author of this essay believes that AI improves learning progress by personalising education progra
Inthe modern society, computers and A.Technology is quickly applied for many fields, education is typical for this improvement. This writer agrees that Artificial intelligence advances the quality of pedagogy and brings
Artificial intelligence(AI) and smart devices are exploited in online teaching. The writer assumes that the birth of AI reduces the need to search for information on unknown websites and adult supervision.
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