IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The given line graph depicts the variation in population from the year 2000 to present time and also provides the forecast till the year 2050 in India and China.
Nowadays, a regular exercise routine is greatly important for children to keep healthy and avoid a sedentary. Some people argue that have a major role in forming this helpful habit. On the other hand, others claim that t
Regular exercise is very important for children’s physical development and preventing disease in the mature stage. It is believed that parents should take the main role in encouraging their children to do exercise routin
These days because of focusing only on learning at schools and spending too much time on electronic devices so . other people argue that parents have to be responsible for encouraging their offspring to take the regular
These days because of focusing only on learning at schools and spending too much time on electronic devices so . other people argue that parents have to be responsible for encouraging their offspring to take a regular le
The quality of education in school has increased over the years. The debate is going on for a long on who is more responsible for the fitness of children, schools or parents. In this essay, I am going to discuss how obes
Physical exercise is common sense as being beneficial for any individual to be healthy, which children are not excluded from this affirmation. Some people believe that parents should be the ones responsible to encourage
It would not be wrong to say that daily exercise for children in schools is important. However, many believe that it is the responsibility of parents to make sure their offspring are getting adequate playtime, and should
Physical fitness has great impact on children grow-up.Although,parents gives less emphasis of their children execrise due to busy schedule in shcool thy do not get much time for execrise either home or at the school.Howe
A section of society thinks that parents ought to be accountable for their children's regular physical exercises .So that schools would not waste their time by incorporating sports in their curriculum. However, some di
A section of society thinks that parents ought to be accountable for their children's regular playsical excercises .So that schools would not waste their time by incorporating sports in their curriculum. However, some
Some people claim that children should not spend school time exercising. They say parents must be the ones who take care of this part of their education. I can not disagree more with this statement. School is the perfec
Sports and exercise have always been an integral part of a child's future. Some people think parents should uphold the duty of ensuring regular exercise in a child's daily schedule while others opine that it should be th
While some people argue children should have physical education at home by their parents, some other people believe that school should consider some sport classes for students at school. However, I reckon schools are a p
It is an irrefutable fact that sports facilitate the development of children. However, some people believe that engaging the younger ones in sports should be the responsibility of their parents. Hence, students would spe
It is some times argues parents should be responsible for the physical activities of their children than the schools. In my ,opinion it would be wrong for schools to only focus on studies.
It is a debatable issue that, whether parents or school authorities should be responsible for physical fitness and health of youngesters. Some people argue that schools should discontinue sports from its syllabus, and co
Parents should make sure that kids have enough physical activities and school should focus only on academic tasks. Although, we disagree with the aforesaid statement. Whereas, we believe that parents also play a vital pa
It is argued by many that frequent fitness exercises should be the sole responsibility of parents instead of schools. However, given that there exist many logical and factual fallacies in the opinion above, we must exami
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