IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Over the last 100 years, machines robots and AI have evolved to an automatic process of doing work without much human intervention, 2\3 parts of our daily routine made easier thanks to technologies and in the result, peo
Years after years huge amounts of students are passing out from school, colleges and university with the hope of bright future. But the reality is different after coming out from the education. Not all the students are g
In many nations, youth unemployment has grown to be a serious problem as more and more young people abandon their studies but are unable to find jobs. This circumstance has the potential to exacerbate social unrest and h
More young society is dropping out of school and can not get a job in many nations. I will elaborate on the effects that this situation caused and investigate how individuals as well as the community can solve the proble
In this contemporary society, an increasing number of people are being out of work, especially the young. In this essay, I will discuss the reason and bring up some solutions to this statement.
In recent years university or high school dropout among juveniles which become a heated debate to be considered to cause heavy problems such as crime rate increment and lack of highly educated workers. Therefore, this es
In recent years university or high school dropout among juveniles has become a heated debate to be considered to cause heavy problems such as increasing crime rates and lacking highly educated workers. Therefore, this es
Nowadays, adults are facing problems to find a job due to dropping down of the school. This may lead to many problems in society. This essay will explain unemployment causes and remedies.
No one can deny that In this modern world new youths are leaving school and they are trying to find a job. In my opinion, The main situation is that unemployed nations' governments are not supported to their community a
These days, youngsters have to face a lot of problems to getting success in their lives and it can be seen that the issue of joblessness is being faced by youth after passing out of school or college. This trend has bad
In number of countries, increasingly students are giving up schools which cannot attain well-pay jobs and for this reason; there are some problems about this issue. I think that it can causes negative effects for youn
The Covid-19 pandemic has badly hurt the youth labour market. In recent years, many young peoples were unemployed immediately when they graduated from school. Some sent dozens of resumes but didn't get any response. If
It is true that the unemployment rate has risen in recent decades and this is the most controversial issue that people like debating about. In recent years, a lot more young people have had trouble finding their jobs and
It is an irrefutable fact that unemployment has increased at a substantial rate during the last decade. This trend was always debatable and has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is showing a
who does not love to improve their standard of living? Most youngsters, in many nations , are unemployed after completing their studies. Youth unemployment arises various problems for individuals and society ; however ,
Education nowadays is considered as the second backbone of nations after Agriculture. But, there are some countries where most of the people leave their schools in between due to several reasons. For instance,poor financ
There is a complication in a particular amount of countries related to jobless among youngsters who left the school.This essay will discuss the causes and possible solutions to this problem.
Nowadays, it can be seen that numerous young people are struggling to be employed in any sector.The purpose of this essay is to indicate the causes as well as to introduce some measures in order to tackle the issue.
Unemployment has been increasing in all countries. Though, in most regions more and more youngsters are graduating but poor in finding occupations. Unemployed youngsters can cause problems in society, but some action by
In this day and age, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on the opinion that the accelerating number of youngsters is leaving school but unable to look for jobs. Issues brought about by youth unemploymen
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