IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People living in different regions tend to rent a box, while some believe buying it is the best way. The writer strongly claims that despite the advantage of not caring about the renting pay when purchasing a dwelling, t
People living in different regions tend to rent a house, while some beleive buying it is the best way. The writer strongly claims that despite the advantage of not caring about the renting fees when purchasing a house, t
Nowadays, some individuals opt to hire a place to live, while others still prefer to own their property. This essay will demonstrate how rented accommodation gives more flexibility to live closer to the work of your drea
In today's world, it is a debatable issue whether individuals should hire a house or purchase their own Adobe;however, I believe that purchasing their own home could be more fruitful instead of lending one.
In certain nations, individuals opt to lease housing while others opt to purchasing their own residences. I personally find renting a space for living purpose to be more convenient and flexible for people who are busy at
People exactly must have a house as a convenient place to spend their leisure time with their family. Nowadays, some people tend to rent a house, while others prefer to buy their own accommodation. This essay agrees that
Opinions are divergent regarding whether renting a house is more beneficial than possessing a private one. While some opine that renting real estate generates distinct benefits, it is my belief that living in rented acc
Globally,Some individuals prefer to purchase their own accommodation,In-contrast some manage to spend their lives in a rental building.In this essay,we will discuss the merits and demerits of both.
It is true that many people prefer to live in a rented property because they are not responsible for miscellaneous expenses. However, although living in a rental place has some advantages, owning a house brings more adva
In the concurrent world,lots of people tend to buy their own houses. Some people claim that it is important to have accommodation. While others say that renting a house is better. To me, I consider that owning a home ha
Choosing a residence to live in is a big and essential decision for everyone since there are numerous factors to reconsider. Some prefer to rent a room rather than own a dwelling, while others argue that buying a home is
In the modern era, it is an undeniable fact that a house is a basic need for human beings. A myriad of people believes that rented houses are better to live in rather than buying a personal house. Therefore, this situat
mansion on lease or rent is a preference of people in few nations whereas, in rest of the countries, citizens choose to purchase their own home. In my opinion, I believe that using a rented apartment is way more advantag
The argument over whether buying a dwelling is more profitable than hiring it has not been settled yet. Whereas some people consider possessing your own flat or house is an essential part of our lives, for others there s
The world nowadays change in term of economic this effect how habitats decide to rent or owning house , in these assay i will disscus the drowback and benefit of rent over ownership.
People in different countries have their own preferences for buying or renting a place for living, depending on their convenience. While rental dwellings have there own merits and demerits, I believe that purchasing a ho
There is no denying that rental or own property is a controversial matter that has been discussed for several experts in finance from our society. Some investors claim to buy a house is not a good deal because it would b
There is no denying that rental or own a property is a controversial matter that has been discussed for several experts in finance from our society. Some investors claim to buy a house is not a good deal because it would
There is no denying that to rent or to buy a property is a controversial matter that has been discussed for several experts in finance from our society. Some investors claim to buy a house is not a good deal because it w
Nowadays, having a flat is one of the expensive luxury. In many parts of the world, people consider renting an accommodation, but others think buying own dwelling is better. But what are the benefits of this situation, a
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