IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is in some states, teenagers are encouraged to work or discover during the year between graduating high school and starting university. It is undeniable that work and study bec
Education is a high investment people can do it for themselves. decides between travel or study the university straight forward is a big decision and there are a lot of optimistic and pessimistic in this resolution. From
Few countries have the privilege of taking breaks during studies. Many cultures encourage young adults to go to work before completing higher education and beginning university studies. I strongly believe that teenage
The young people of some countries, would sooner looking for a job or take a vacation between graduating high school and enrolling university. One of the main benefits of this decision is that the students will be able t
In our modern society, age longevity is going up. This could make up a new burden to society but we could stop the problem by increasing the newborn rate.
In certain countries, there is a growing trend of encouraging young individuals to take a pause year between completing high school and beginning university studies. This practice offers advantages and disadvantages, imp
Before continuing studies in the college, some countries suggest young generation to work or travel for a year. It can affect several benefits for young people such as having a lot of experiences and financial independen
Many students around the world have the opinion that working or traveling a year before starting academic study is a good option. This essay will discuss the experience gained and saving money are the biggest advantages
Nowadays, there are some viewpoints, according to which one side of individuals considers that young teenagers ought to travel to foreign countries before having university lessons. This essay will attempt to investigate
The majority of countries eencourage students to be employed or visit for a year after high school or before studying institute studies. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints.
It is often argued in a few countries young individuals are motivated to gain experience or travel for a year before starting a university degree. This essay will discuss both pros and cons for young people who plan to d
In contemporary society, taking a gap year after matriculating has become increasingly prominent. Hereby, some nations encourage adolescents to see the world so that they can discover themselves, while some argue that th
After finishing high school,in several parts of the world,teenagers are induced to take a gap year to visit or work until university starts.While travelling can be a beneficial experience for those who choose to do so,it
It is prevalent in some countries that most students prefer to stop their universities for a short term in order to work or travel el abroad. There are many advantages s of this tendency, such as gaining experience and r
In this day and age, it’s very easy and comfortable for people to travel around thanks to the cutting-eedge development of transport vehicles. Therefore, young people nowadays tend to prefer taking a gap year to explore
In some states older generations are required to continue working even after reaching retirement age. While this practice may enhance their financial security and mental-being, it could potentially impact their overall h
Before enrolling in university, students are often encouraged to take a year off to work or travel after graduating from high school. This unique policy has been implemented in some countries in recent years. This essay
Before enrolling in the university, students are allowed to work or travel for a year after they graduate from high school. This unique policy has been applied in some countries in recent years. This essay will further e
Undoubtedly, human craze to explore places around the world has increased tremendously. There are numerous nations, where youngsters foster to go for on adventures across the globe post school and prior to getting enroll
It is widely acknowledged that in many parts of the world, adolescents are encouraged to take a gap year before attending college. While there are admittedly several drawbacks, I still believe that the positive influence
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