IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, some people are of the opinion that young individuals in some nations are recommended to engage in a career position or take trips after they finish their secondary education. There are a few opponents w
In some nation, it is a growing trend to promote young individuals to gain work or travel experience before attending university. Some people think that it is a beneficial for students to attend university directly after
high school students who already graduated are recommended to take a gap year before entering college. Working and travelling are suggested activities to do during that moment. This essay will suggest that having spare
The aspect of being lived and to settle in a foreign country becomes a decision of some people. Nowadays, people might get travel for the purpose of being enjoyed or to migrate.there are some advantages and disadvantages
These days, some countries encourage young people to take a gap year to work or travel before university. This has been widely followed by numerous young adults. This trend has both benefits and drawbacks for those who d
The practice of working or travelling for high school graduates before entering their higher education is common in some states. The main benefits are allowing young adults to gain more experience in real industry and ac
In some countries, teenagers are advised to have a year gap for working or traveling before starting university studies. This trend would create certain benefits but there will also be drawbacks.
Today in some countries, there is a suggestion for young people to have one-year gap between graduating from high school and starting an academic study, in which they can earn some experience from working or traveling. T
In some countries, young people are encouraged to take a gap year between completing high school and commencing university studies. This practice offers both advantages and disadvantages for individuals contemplating thi
The issue of whether students who finish their high school go to work or travel abroad before they begin studying tertiary education. While there are some disadvantages for students, I believe the main advantages are m
In contemporary times, the young people in a particular country believe work or travel experience after high school or university graduation are a great opportunity. This essay will explain the benefits and drawbacks.
The line graph demonstrates data on the changes in the numbers of average carbon dioxide emissions per person in four countries, namely UK, Sweden, Italy and Portugal in the middle of 1967 and 2007.
How did you find about it? -I found this from the Internet when I decide to study in this college. Which other colleges/universities have you considered? -I have considered much University such as University of Cambrid
In this present world, the encouragement of youngsters to work or travel abroad for almost one year is a common fact, especially in the period of time between high school graduation and starting university paths.
There is an opinion asserting that youngsters should be inspired to have a one-year gap before attending university to experience either career or travel. While it can be detrimental in some cases, I would argue that the
In some regions, young adults are motivated to work or travel for a year between ending secondary education and starting tertiary education. There are many pros and cons regarding young people making such a decision.
It is advised that students who graduate from high school take a one-year break before entering university and do other activities such as traveling or working. This essay will discuss the merits of this suggestion whi
Nowadays, young generation are inspired to find occupation or even see a world in foreign countries for a year between graduating from high school and starting high degree of education. The main benefit of this is their
The phenomenon of gap year between graduating from high school and entering university life is happening in several countries. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages, followed by my opinions
Nowadays, due to the better financial background, people can do more activities in their free time. For instance, in several countries teenagers are suugested to enjoy travelling or having a short-term job in the leisure
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