IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Teachers are played a crucial role in students life since primary education to higher. In some second-tier nations, a qualified lecturer has huge demands in the village and it creates a negative impact on the education o
It is a common issue that most graduate teachers do not want to work in remote and rural areas due to poor infrastructure and limited job advancement opportunities. However, this problem can be addressed with a multiface
It is believed that the education of children located in the small areas is being affected due to the shortage number of educated teachers there. The forthcoming paragraph will discuss the reasons behind this situation.
Students in the backcountry are deprived of the best education because good faculty members are not willing to work in these areas. There are many factors due to which teachers hesitate to give education in rural areas.
People living in the undeveloped side of countries are deprived of several facilities. Even though the Government has announced teaching jobs in rural areas, tutors are avoiding relocating. It is adversely impacting the
In many developing countries, survival has become very difficult in rural areas due to unavailability of basic facilities. One of the examples is absence of good teachers in educational institutions. Although this a seri
Majority of countries have faced a huge struggle that many teachers relocate to the city.This leads to negatively impact on student's level who live in rural places.There are several reasons behind of this trend.Therefor
There is a trend existing for decades that the number of qualified teachers who move to urban areas, which leads to a significant issue: inequality of education. That implies the social class mobility led by students li
It is known that there are many employment options for teachers in underdeveloped countries; however, the vast majority of teachers decline the offer because of the location. One of the main reasons why professors teache
In today's world, several nations the world, especially the developing ones are struggling to find decent teachers in the countryside. Thus, children in these areas could suffer the consequences by having a low-quality e
It has been found that suburb places with a growing nation cannot get the qualified teachers for suburb schools which have negative effects on the academics. There are many reasons that a good teacher does not willing t
These days, education is slowly becoming a priority for both boys and girls. However, it is very hard to get teachers to teach in rural areas which are leaving many negative effects on the children who grow up there.
The quality of education provided to students is dependent on many factors, the most prominent being efficient teachers. It is noticed that education of children in rural communities is adversely affected in some develop
It has been found that, a suburb space of growing nation is facing an issue of quality tutors for the education purpose. Although, many believe that, it will have a negative impact on the educational quality of the subur
Nowadays, it is true that the low literacy rate in the typical rural communities is continually arising around the whole world. Some people argue that, due to low numbers of good lecturers availability is depriving the
In certain underdeveloped nations, it is problematic to acquire superior teachers to teach in countryside, which can have a downside effect on the academic of students in those rural societies. There are several root ca
Education has become a basic necessity for the betterment and upgradation of any country’s well-being. Unfortunately, this sector has never been put into light as a major concern for the society’s welfare. Good teachers
There is no doubt that lack of proper education for children in rural areas due to the scarcity of teachers is one of the most prevailing and worrying issues for many developing countries. This essay will explore why eff
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