IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern era, people can travel to any other countries due to technological development. These days an international jaunt cost is most affordable unlike past and many nations are welcoming to other parts of the wo
Today, international travel is becoming cheaper in some countries. As a result, more countries are opening their doors to foreign tourists. In my opinion, the advantages of this tendency outweigh the disadvantages.
In our contemporary society, travelling is becoming more and more affordable day by day, which provides humans to visit various foreign countries. While certain disadvantage does pertain do this trend, I opine that the a
The world has become a global village with the advent of powerful commercial jet engines, flight tickets have become cheaper and most countries have been promoting tourism on an unprecedented scale. I believe , the adva
Since travel is becoming affordable to a wide range of public, countries are welcoming more tourists recently. It helps the state generate revenue and promote local crafts. I believe the advantages of travellers visitin
Travelleing to different countries by tourists had increased from the past years due to cheap travel prices. Some poeple consider this is beneficial whilst others have a contrasting viewpoint. There is benifit of economi
There are many countries in the world, that are dependent on tourism. For such countries, it is inevitable to allow tourists. I believe the advantages of travellers visiting a country are more of significance than its di
In this cut-throat competition, overseas travel has become very affordable and nations are inviting visitors with their open arms. This trend has numerous benefits along with few shortfalls. In this essay, we will enunci
The tourism industry has markedly grown in recent years. Such growth relates to the recent policies of many countries wide-opening the country for travellers to enjoy. This essay will discuss the recent tourism phenomeno
It is true that there is a rising tendency for people to opt for overseas travel around the world. While this trend has several drawbacks, I believe that overall the advantages are greater.
Travelling is the important source of revenue for any country. It is said by some individuals that these days many countries have allowed people to visit their nations for different purposes. In my perspective, this tr
Travelling is the important source of revenue for any country. It is said by some individuals that these days, many countries are allowing people to visit their nations for different purposes. In my perspective, this t
The emergence of cheaper airlines worldwide enhances the income from tourists, and access to other regions is frequent. It is well-known that some cheaper airlines have become representative of the airline industries alr
Travel abroad is currently become popular. It is becoming cheaper and many countries around the world opening the doors to enlarge the number of tourists. This essay will discuss why the advantages of increasing tourists
It is true that travelling abroad has become increasingly affordable, resulting in exponential growth in tourist numbers. In my opinion, while booming tourism offers some benefits, the potential drawbacks are greater.
In many parts of the world, the tourism industry is blossoming at a very rapid pace. I believe it to be extremely beneficial not only in terms of cultural exchange, but also in terms of lowering the unemployment rate. Th
In many parts of the world, the tourism industry is blossoming at a very rapid pace. I believe it to be extremely beneficial not only in terms of cultural exchange, but also in terms of lowering unemployment rate. This e
These days abroad travel has become inexpensive and notorious all over the world which are opening doors for number of travellers. This essay will agree that the pros of increase traveller outweigh the cons of it. To c
There is no scepticism tourism is becoming increasingly popular as flying to another country has become more affordable than in the past.Personally speaking,this kind of development has brought more advantages than the d
Nowadays, As globalization has been connecting countries together, tourism has become the leading industry. Many countries are starting not only welcoming more tourists, but also providing many affordable services to att
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