IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some argue that punishments are crucial for helping children distinguish between right and wrong. I somewhat disagree with this as there are better teaching methods for youngsters. However, there are two light-type punis
It is teaching children to have moral sense that matters. And some people maybe consider it a requirement to punish kids to deal with this problem. This is probably a viable solution, but I do not agree that is the only
There is an argument that it is of paramount importance for children to distinguish the difference between right and wrong when they are young, and punishment is one of the most effective measures in order to help them i
As children grow and develop, it is crucial for them to understand the difference between right and wrong. This moral compass serves as a guiding force throughout their lives, shaping their choices and actions. However,
Some people think it is crucial for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an young age and punishment is needed to help them learn about this distinction. I think the idea is needed for children in
It is a well-established fact that children at an early age should know the difference between something right and wrong. And some people believe that punishments can help parents with teaching them it. I personally beli
It is considered to be crucial for kids to learn what is appropriate or not at a young age. In order in order to make them understand this, punishment from their family and teachers is mandatory. I completely agree with
It is true that nowadays children are learning situation differences between right and wrong at an early age. In my opinion, punishment is unnecessary to realize kids learn it and adults should provide an opportunity for
Over the last few years, teachers and parents have avoided wrong punishment whereas, if parents or teachers have been punishing the bad sort of punishment, children have scared adults. Therefore, right punishment is nec
Although nowadays,most parents and people recognize it is violence that punish children to learn that do not carry out wrong actions, there are some people who think there are no appropriate way except adjudicate to stop
There is a section of people who believe that children must be punished to make them good citizens. I fully agree with this view, as there are many reasons to support it. This essay will explore my point of view and prop
It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Some people believe that punishment is necessary to help learn the difference. However,other groups do not agree with that. In
Punishment is a main part of nurturing for teaching children everything in a correct way and it needs to be enrolled in homes and also schools. In my opinion, we can teach children with encouragement instead of punishmen
One of the relevant issues nowadays is to learn children the difference between right and wrong since young age. Most people get used to bring up their child via punishment. Personally, I tend to think that punishment i
Most of people get their behavior when they are in their early age. Teaching childern the difference between the right and wrong can lead to good behaviors when they grow up.
Learning the distinction between right and wrong should be given to offspring at an early age. Some believe that punishment can precede thus the learning process. However, I totally disagree almost entirely with the give
Importance learning right and wrong at an early age of children is necessary. But it is not necessary to punish them to help understand the differences between them. My disagreement consists of facts about children being
As children's education is becoming increasingly important in our society, some issues surrounding this topic have been intensively debated by public. Some argue that punishment is indispensable in educating children to
Nowadays, various youngsters don’t comprehend the difference between accurate and inaccurate acts. That is why some people claim that the penalty is the best way to learn this distinction, while others reckon that retrib
Nowadays, a variety of youngsters don’t understand the difference between right and wrong. Also, some people claim that punishment is the best way to learn this distinction, while others believe that punishments affect c
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