IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People have different views about lifestyle in the countryside would be extremely better. While in some ways it may be considered beneficial to host the town. I personally introduce the idea that individuals should live
No one can deny that the city is an important issue. It has both positive and negative aspects. In this essay, I will throw light on the arguments supporting the main views.
Both the city and the countryside have many drawbacks and advantages. Many people believe it is better to live in a city while others think it is better to live in a rural place. In this essay, I will discuss both vision
Living preferences often vary widely among individuals, with some advocating for the advantages of city life, whereas others prefer the rural countryside. While both settings have their merits, I am inclined to believe t
There are opposite views whether it is better to live in urban or rural areas. This essay will discuss both views alongside with my own opinion on each notion.
Some people believe that living in a city has more advantages while others are opposed to this opinion and believe the countryside offers a better life. As for my own opinion, I much prefer to live in the city and will
Everyone has their own choice of environment living. While it is considered by some that countrysides are more comfortable to live in, there are others who believe that cities provide a better quality of life. In my opin
In this modern society, it is a common belief that living in a metropolitan area is more convenient while others argue that the best life is in the countryside. In my point of view, I consider that the outskirts are the
In this modern society, it is a common belief that living in a city is more convenient while others argue that the best life is in the countryside. In my point of view, I consider that the suburbs are the greatest place
There are a wide variety opinion about location of accomodation. Some folk would rather live in the city ,while some people preffer to live in the suburb. In this essay I intend to discouss about both side of this views
In today's fast-paced world, some people think that it is better to live in the countryside while I believe that it is better to live in a city than in the countryside. There are several benefits to living both in the co
It is undeniable that fast-pace technology development affects everyday life anywhere around the world. People argue which is the better place for living between a city or countryside. My perspective is that it would be
It is said to be more convenient to live in the capital than to live in a rural area. While some may argue that the large job opportunities and the abundance of commodities can lift one’s life condition to a higher level
People hold conflicting views about whether cities offer a better life or whether rural areas are the best place to live. While some people think city life is better, others argue that living in the countryside is far mo
Population growth and urbanisation are inevitable sequel of globalisation. Technology and power have grown beyond the leaps and bounds. There is a large flock of crowd turning towards the cities due the better opportunit
Some inhabitants of large cities have chosen to live in a metropolitan area because they enjoy its lifestyle. However, others would rather move to the countryside if they have the opportunity. Those who already live in
In modern society, there are many opinions about lifestyles. While some think that living in a city is better for people, others believe that life in the countryside is better. There are positive and negative aspects of
People have different opinions about where to spend their lives in cities or villages. Although there are several advantages of living in cities , I believe the outskirts are the best place to live in.
Some people believe that city life is better to boost the career. On the other side, some prefer countryside areas because they want peace.
Although it is sometimes thought that living in a city is better others believe that the best life is in the countryside. In my opinion, I consider that the town centre has good air quality that the villagers alongside f
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