there are two maps briefing about the present layout of a university's sports centre and the layout after redevelopment. Some parts will remain the same whereas some parts will be added. Both the outdoor courts have been
the maps illustrate the sport center of the university now and after referbishment. it is clearly seen that there will be a significant changes in future. for instance the dance studios, cafe, sport hall, leisure pool an
The pictures depict the map of a university’s sports centre now, and how it is set to look after rebuilding. Overall, it can be seen that the sport centre is going to be bigger by expansion to the outdoor courts and it
The map above represents the layout of a university sports center currently and its future plans. Overall, there will be many changes, but most of the current center will be kept.
These charts depict the layout of a collage's athletic centre now, and how it will look after redevelopment. It is clear from the graph that there is a lot of places demolished and others replaced with new places and the
Both maps which are given illustrate the present structure of the university's sports centre and the future outlook after new constructions according to the plan.