IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The past two decades have witnessed a significant shift in the migration patterns of students from developing nations seeking higher education abroad. This essay will examine the underlying factors driving this transform
It can be clearly seen there a lot of nations move to English-speaking countries such as America also Australia and Britain to study at school as well as college or university .This essay will discuss both sides will dra
In searching of money, tourism as well as travelling, this is why many humans are relocating to English speaking states such as England, America and Australia.Therefore, English as a global dialect, it plays a pivotal ro
In this contemporary epoch, a large proportion of people are moving in search of better educational facilities to nations like Australia, America, and Canada. There are various reasons behind this scenario such as afford
English has become the dominant language for many education programs. And in many other countries, where English use as a second language, proficiency in English is often a prerequisite for many job opportunities. Theref
Many students have become fond of migrating to English-speaking countries to pursue higher education, especially those originating from a developing country. Two reasons might explain this phenomenon, namely that English
Language has been the dominating factor for human to interact and communicate with others. Especially with the globalisation that happenning, it requires more people from different backgrounds and countries to meet and d
Recently, the number of individuals who have shown interest in emigrating from their own region to English-speaking regions to continue their education has incredibly increased. In this essay, I will elaborate on the rea
English become the most spread language all around the world in the past decades, and the reason is simple: people desire to understand everyone.
More and more individuals from developing counties where English is not the first speaking language tend to migrate to a more advanced English-speaking country these days for better career and lifestyle opportunities. Th
In the era of Globalisation, learning different langugae skill become a trend. Higher number of individulas move to Austraila, Britain, and America for education and work. However, in order to survive there they ought to
Recent times have, no doubt, witnessed an emergence of students pursuing their studies at educational institutions in English-speaking countries such as Australia, Britain or America. There can be several possible reason
A large number of humans are currently travel to English-speaking nations for studying on both colleges and universities. This is due to locating rich continents and it is easier to find a job and learn in such countries
Nowadays, English has become a global accent due to continuous migrations.For most of these migraines who are prone to study in English states there are several reasons behind that and English plays a crucial role world
English is known as a universal language which is in practice in almost every country of world. Their dominance towards other languages is the reason why countless numbers of people migrate to English speaking countries
A growing number of people go to English-speaking countries, such as Australia, Britain or America, every year to pursue their education. In this essay, I will explain the reason why people want to study in English and w
First of all, lots of young people wants to become successful and live peacefully with a great job and well-paid. But they have to study in university before getting a job, so they usually choose a really good educationa
Dialect plays a crucial role in communication. The majority of folks are preferring to leave their motherland and want to go abroad and learn English there. In my opinion, they do not need to move from their state instea
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