IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the modern era, many people believe that diverse countries supported education fee has many benefits because everybody can study their major regardless their economic background. Personally, I believe our government h
There is no different type of objective fact that this statement about countries making University education completely free for their citizens is prevalent in our reality because of its importance. Most people agree
Entering a prestigious university is a prominence in the youthful society. Despite its beneficial accomplisments that can be gained by pursuing education in college, the financial issues circulating are nominated as the
These days, many countries around the world provide free university education for their people. This development may seem like a purely positive one, but it comes with disadvantages as well. This essay will discuss one i
Countries are making academic education free of charge in an increasing rate. While there are numerous benefits to it, I strongly believe we shouldn't ignore the drawbacks.
It is a worldwide phenomenon that a country invests money increasingly in the education sector to provide free university-level education to citizens. Even though this appears to be full of benefits, several demerits exi
In today's World, the access to the basic information is too easy with the help of science and technology such as by using the internet and chatbots. While the people can easily reach the basic information from these res
Many nations are making college education totally free for their population. The benefits are high literacy among the poor and economic growth of the country whereas the drawbacks are spending tax money on non-taxpayers
Nowadays, Most countries are providing the study of university sections totally free for their netizens. The essay describes both the pros and cons of this topic and I think that the facilities of higher education can en
Increasingly nations are making university education fully free for their citizens. In my opinion, there are several merits of this trend including, enhance society, and individuals live, howover, there are demerits o
Education is a fundamental right for the public to have to expand their knowledge and skills. It is essential to promote the prosperity and peace of a country for the future. Thus, making university education free is in
It is undeniable that several countries around the world are providing free access to Universities for their citizens. Even though there are significant benefits regarding people's access to university education, there a
Whether or not complimentary education at the university should be implemented has been contentious in modern society. In evaluating this issue, this essay will consider social developments on the one hand and poverty pr
These days, society tends to prefer people who have done a higher level of study than high school. Various countries support the financial aspects of university education for their citizens, while it might be thought t
As the value of university education has been acknowledged by a lot of countries, many people believe that the nations give university students living in their countries tuition fees for free. I support this idea because
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