IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Farmers are shifting to urban regions of the country for better work and life, leaving their villages and farmlands. While this trend poses both rural and urban problems, I think the government can take important steps t
It is often argued that many people are inured to a labour activity, such as agricultural in the country side. The more and more citizen is preferred centre of the city than suburb, it is because of compensation of incom
While many experts in the field of economy believe that it is more beneficial for a country to increase taxes in order to support and provide a variety of social programs for the citizens, others advocate the implementat
Nowadays the majority of the population is migrating from the countryside to the cities in order to look for job opportunities. As a result, cities will be flooded with people and also the crime rate will increase. This
Nowadays, more and more people want to move away from rural areas to developing city. People think that prosperous city will lead to a better life, and they will not be in need for money. As a result, rural areas stop in
Many persons from farmer lands migrate to cities for new job opportunities. These migrations have some serious affects and it can lead to issues for their country but some appropriate policies might solve these problems.
In the modern generation rid of the agricultural background. Youngsters, immigrate to urban side and work for technical aspects, such as software engineers. It seems, the production of agricultural proportion has decreas
Urbanization is now expanding because rural population wants to find better employment opportunities in the city. As a result a number of problems arise, but there are also acts to prevent them.
The majority of people establishing themselves in urban areas these days, due to better job opportunities and other amenities and going away from backgrounds given by their ancestors, such as, agriculture.I think, it w
It is irrefutable that myriads of individuals are migrating from the rural countrysides to the metropolitan cities from various reasons. This essay would discuss the negative impacts of this migration and would propose s
Many individuals are from rural areas move to cities to find a job. The primary consequence of this phenomenon are advantages of a city’s life and the most viable solution is to provide the necessary work condition for p
The world is steadily become urban, as many people are moving to urban areas living agriculture to pursue new jobs. There are several reasons for such situation and also few visible influences too.
Many countries income source is mainly dependent on Agriculture. A drastic decrease in the food production can be seen over a decade due to the people who are changing their profession from agriculture and moving to citi
Farming is the main job in rural areas, but it is not generating enough revenue for farmers. Due to this significant number of farmers are getting relocated to urban areas to earn sustainable wages. This situation has an
Nowadays a growing number of people are shifting to urban regions of the country by leaving their villages and farmland for better work and life. This trend causes a decrease in agricultural productivity as well as gener
Nowadays, people have a tendency to move away from the outskirts area to settle into cities with the aim of finding better employment opportunities. This essay will examine the consequences of this and various measures c
Today, folks want to live in cityside for better life for them and their kids. In order to get a good job and peaceful life, masses are going to cities. This essay will discuss the causative factors why this is happening
Today, folks want to live in Cityside for a better life for them and their kids. In order to get a good job and peaceful life, the masses are going to cities. This essay will discuss the causative factors why this is hap
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