IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is widely speculated that in the contemporary era, majority of the facilities and services are condensed in the large cities.Simultaneously, rapid influx of people to settle in such areas is inevitable.It is conspicuo
Urbanisation has become a norm around the world. More and more people are moving to big cities for economic opportunities. This has put a lot of pressure on the housing market of large cities. Majority of the people wish
In today’s life, a large number of people tend to move to the city to study, live, and work. Along with that, there is a new trend appearing that people started getting used to living in homes with narrow spaces or havin
A large number of people are considering flats and apartments as their accommodations in urban areas without any open space and gardens. As it has both kinds of impacts on human nature. Because the one basic factor is th
Lots of individuals these days reside in small space home or dwells with no outdoor area. In my ,opinion this is a negative development. living in a small space leads to congestion and invites health problems like breath
Lots of individuals these days reside in small space home or dwells with no outdoor area. In my opinion this is an negative development. living in small space leads to congestiona and invite health problems like breathin
Nowadays, the population is increasing day by day and more and more landmark buildings are erected so many people have to live in houses without outdoors. In this trend, it has both negative and positive impacts. In my o
In recent years, the population is increasing day by day and more and more landmark buildings are erected so many people have to live in houses without outdoors and no spaciousness. A hotly debated topic is whether this
In many major cities, many citizens now reside in stuffy living conditions due to the rising density. Personally, I strongly believe that this modern development is largely detrimental to both the young and older generat
Due to urbanization, many people are willing to settle in cities.Hence, these areas are really becoming congested and people are forced to live in those areas with very less space around. According to me , this is obvio
Obesity has become a global epidemic with an estimated 1.3 billion people overweight or obese.Excess body fat frequently results in increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and arthritis. Exercise is one
One of ever-challenging issues in the metropolises is accommodation, due to overpopulation, people are enforced to live in cramped flats. Although there are some positive consequences of this matter on society and indi
In this contemporary society, it is true that in large metropolitan and industrialised cities, many miniature-scale buildings have sprung up between the big complexes and skyscrapers In my perspective, this growing phen
Rising urban population has made more urban dwellers opt for small living spaces. From my perspective, this trend in urban housing poses more threats than benefits.
It is argued that plenty of people in urban areas tend to opt for small-space living without outside areas. Personally, I believe that this tendency produces both benefits and drawbacks.
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