It is a well-known fact that the average life is growing each year. On the one hand, this is a positive trend for individuals but on the other hand, this phenomenon produces significant load on the government budget. Thi
The mean life-span is growing with the passage of time in the advanced countries. This situation can enhance unhappiness for the aged and unemployment for the society; nevertheless, these can be tackled simultaneously by
It is true that the more populated countries are having more problems such as environmental pollution, education and some other issues.The countries are lacking in few sectors because of the rising population. Let us di
In the name of Industrial revolution, every country takes its natural resources for granted. Growth doesn’t mean we have to make earth hazardous. In this essay, we will discuss on the causes to the problems and their pos
In the near future, many nations might have issues with regard to the climate, citizens and studies. Next decade, my homeland might be encountered problems with the plus-size residence as well as the bad atmosphere; howe
It has been predicted that, in the near future, many nations will have issues with regard to the climate, citizens and studies. In my opinion, in next decade, my homeland will encounter problems with the plus-size reside
Overpopulation is a serious issue in all the countries as the locally produced food is not enough to feed them, and many are suggesting GM foods to improve food production. But, others stating that they bring more harm o
In the contemporary world, There are many challenges that have been facing in the world such as environment, population, Education and so on. I will elaborate on those factors in the following essay.
It is clear in industrialized nations that people are living longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequenses of this trend, solutions can be taken to mitigate potential problems.
Challenges are part and parcel of growth for any developing or even developed country across the world. While some countries are facing significant challenges like environment, population, and education, my country India
It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these pote
The world is undergoing more and more enhancements in numerous aspects, favouring longer life span. This may spell trouble for humans both individually and socially. Nevertheless, various methods can be adopted to dimini
It is undeniable that the fast development of metropolises has a variety of positive impacts on society such as industrialisation and commercialisation; however, this growth might bring about some unexpected issues in th
The world is changing rapidly and many of these changes are making it a far more challenging place for us to live in. It is predicted that global warming, overpopulation, pollution and scarcity of resources will take the
It is undeniable that, many countries and especially third world nations are facing many significant problems such as, poverty, over-population, illiteracy and scarcity of resources. These problems are likely to increa
The issues related to the surrounding, various pollution and education are becoming highly debated topic around the globe nowadays. This menace would probably increase the more issues after the decade. But, this problem
Average life span of people are being raised in the developed nation.The main problem this causes is more proportion of pensioners and the viable solution for this is limited amount of pension.
In today’s fast-paced world, there is an exponential increase in the global population, as compared to the past centuries. This results in a high demand for food to feed the massive numbers. Henceforth, with the help of
For the past few decades, planet earth is observing a significant rise in world population which is very alarming. Substantial increase in population is affecting not only underdeveloped countries, but also causing probl