IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, news plays an important part of most people’s lives. But in the modern era, the news shows only bad situations in local or international environment. In this essay, I will discuss why the news so important for
News are playing a major part in the human life. Because it can only the communication between the man and society. Recently most of the media and newspapers are focusing priority to deliver the worse event to public rat
It is undeniable that news has significant impacts on society in various aspects, such as economics. People read news for different purposes depending on their interests. This essay will elaborate on the reason why news
News is like a mirror reflecting our lives, showing us what's happening in the world around us. Over the past decades, the presence of recent news has become an important part of our lives. Moreover, it is important to n
The issue of news in today's fast-paced world has sparked a heated debate among many. It is widely argued that news could be both important and narrow down to bad things. This essay will explore the significance of news
In modern society, the biggest part of humanity cannot imagine a day without reading the news. Undoubtedly, it is crucial for people to keep track of events because some important news is able to affect their lives, nev
Nowadays, news have a significant part of most individuals lives, so the news are in tv, papers, magazines , internet or socialmedia in every moment, in every city and country.
News plays a crucial role in many people’s lives. People are able to know what is going on in different places through the news instead of experiencing the events themselves. The reason for numerous news dedicated to bad
mass media is crucial portion of our lives that we cannot make dispute about it and that why most prefer to see it. the fundemental reason for its significance is because of its attachment around the globe as most journa
News is one of the ways to entertain people. Nonetheless, it plays a significant role in the community. Although, many types of news are spread in the public. Some communities will be helped by consuming much knowledge f
The role of news is paramount in people's day to day lives. This is so because human beings are interested to know about what is happening around the world. The majority of the news is however negative news as negativity
The role of news is paramount in people's day to day lives. This is so because human beings are interested to know about what is happening around the world that they reside in. The majority of the news is however negativ
The news could be considered to be an essential fixture and part of a person's everyday routine. For some, watching the news is just as important to them as having their dinner every day at the same time. For others, the
All around the places in this tangible world, everyday news matters to the people as they either have direct or indirect relations to their social life. Moreover, sometimes a particular news could modify an individual's
Nowadays, globalisation dictates the phase of the economy, health corporations and bank institutions. Information is needed for citizens in order to act or take a risk. It is clear that informative programs are key which
It is often believed by majority of the individuals that News plays crucial part in their lives. This essay will highlight the importance of Bulletins and why only negative news is preferred to be telecasted on the media
Modern people can not imagine their life without news checking or listening. The primary function of the news is to help publicity be in touch with world events, current problems and even new development. However, there
Though the mode of sharing news has evolved throughout the history of humankind, its significance of it has been unchanged. However, nowadays, news outlets are habituated to portraying negative sides but there has been a
Human beings have always been interested in what is happening on their surroundings. News plays a critical role in a lot of individual’s lives. In my opinion,news is very crucial in some people’s lives and a tremendous
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