IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Children of today are not competing with the child next door, but with the child of the global village;the world.consequently,it is seen that parents are over compelling their childern to prosper.Unfortunately ,this affe
Children of today are not competing with the child next door, but with the child of the global village;the world. In this contemporary era, parents want their children to excel in everything. Consequently , they end up p
Children of today are not competing with the child next door, but with the child of the global village;the world. In this contemporary era, parents want their child to excel in everything. Consequently , they end up pres
These days, children are forced by their parents to work harder in order to be successful. This is due to the increased emphasis on academics in society, and it could result in negative consequences for young people’s de
In today global and fast-paced world parents often have pushed their offsprings in order to choose a right career path and become successful quicker. It is agreed that unwanted road can easily be chosen by a teenager ,al
Always have been existed those parents, who put their children under more pressure than it would be necessary, but in these days maybe it is even more common. We might guess what could stand behind this behaviour, howeve
It is experienced that parents care FOR their children s future and supervise them by far strictly in order to present them a successful life. It is considered to have both benefit and drawbacks. In my view, the benefits
Parents are believed to be overly pressuring their children on their success. While there are some reasonable grounds for this act, this essay presents a negative prospect to this phenomenon with an explanation and examp
Parents are believed to be overly pressuring their children on their success. While there are some reasonable grounds to this act, this essay presents a negative prospect to this phenomenon with explanation and example.
In today's tech-savvy world, parents are considerably pressurizing their kids to progress, especially in their career because of the competition in the market. Indeed, in my opinion, this advocacy of parent's influence b
Young people have a lot of kinds of stress, and one of the biggest might be the pressure from their parents. In the following essay, I will discuss that the parents cannot stop making pressure on their children because o
In recent years, there has been an increasing tendency among parents to pressure children to perform their best. The main reason for this is that adults transfer their expectations to children. However, it may have an op
At present, many parents are often believed that children should strive for excellence in all areas of their life, pushing them to perform their best, which commonly looks reasonable in today's high-competitive world. Ho
In this contemporary epoch, humans are striving hard to accomplish their goals and attain new heights in their careers thereby boosting their social status and standard of living. This has culminated in parents having vi
In today’s modern world, parents tend to force their children to accomplish in a variety of fields of life. This pressure can have many negative consequences.
In today’s contemporary world, a great number of parents force their children to be successful academically. There are various reasons for this situation, but most striking one is that the families want their kids to hav
These days parents often pressurize their children to get success in life. There are several rationales behind this phenomenon, fierce competition in the modern generation and expectations of parents from their children
Many parents insist that their children should become successful in their schools, putting them under a lot of pressure. The main reason behind this is that they want them to go to prestigious universities and faculties,
There is no doubt that many parents have increased level pressure on their offspring to show better performance at school to get a bachelor's degree in recent years. This is mainly because of having a lack of capability,
During recent years, it has been an obvious observation that the parents stress more than needed for the their children to get succeed in their studies and careers. Increasing competition in life turns out to be the main
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