IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays we are witnessing that online currencies have become more common than the past ; indeed ,in my perspective this phenamenon is a positive development and in this essay I will give some reasons to shed lights on t
It is becoming increasingly popular the usage of digital currency in last decade. From my perspective, this is a definitely positive phenomenon for current society as a whole despite the financial risks
The burgeoning prevalence of digital currencies in contemporary times has been striking. This essay explores the catalysts propelling the ascent of virtual currencies and asserts that this trend constitutes an adverse pr
It is undoubtedly to say that society, throughout the latest years, has faced multiple innovations, one such being digital currency. This essay shall analyse some of the advantages of online money and what is the reason
These days, digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are in widespread use. While this trend can be seen in a negative light in some respects, I believe the growing use of online currencies is, for the most part,
It is discussed that online currency has a significant impact which provide more options for consumers in the method of payment. This essay supports the trend of this behaviour and I will discuss the views of benefit abo
In this contemporary era, it is thought that crypto valutas spread around the world because advanced technologies make using them more comfortable. From my point of view, as online currencies help develop the dark market
There are various opinions on whether internet currencies have a positive effect or not in modern society. In this essay, I will illustrate the reason online money is popular recently and give my opinion on why this is a
In recent years, the popularity and using of online currencies has improved gradually. This case is related to their increasing values and recognition. For me, it is a positive development because users can exchange othe
In resent decades, digital currencies have gained popularity because it is easy to access and hard to lose comparing to physical money. In my opinion, I believe that the profits outweigh the drawbacks due to its usefulne
A recent decade , digital currencies are more popular , because they are very easy to use and more convenient than physical money . In my opinion, the profits outweigh the drawbacks due to their effciency.
In the modern era, crypto money becomes the most popular lucrative investment because its market values are opened the whole day and it is provided to exchange anytime those who want to invest. In my opinion, online exch
It is undeniable that digital currencies have been trendy in the past few years because they are more convenient and reliable than physical ones. In my opinion, the profits outweigh the drawbacks due to their usefulness.
The world is seeing a rise in the popularity of online currencies in recent years. This might be due to technological improvements and the race to a convenient commercial market. In my opinion, the shift away from physic
Digital currencies have gained additional attention in the last few years although they have been in existence for more than a decade. In my opinion, it is a good sign from a future perspective, however, the concept is n
With the advancement of modern technology and globalisation,online currencies have become more habitual in the current period.Digital currencies are more popular in recent decades because they are easy to use and more re
The advance of online currencies has become a notable trend in recent years, driven by advances in technology and changes in consumer behaviour.
With the advancement of modern technology and globalisation,online currencies have become more habitual in the current period.Although the networked coin has a lot of advantages ,it consists of very few drawbacks.In this
Online transactions have surged more than ever before in the last few years. This is due to the technological advancement and globalisation. In my opinion, it should be considered as a positive development owing to the e
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