Education is an extremely important part of our lives. There are several types of schools which students and their parents can choose from and one of them is a private school.
Education plays a pivotal role in the growth of students and nations. Though the government provides free education, the privatization of the schools is getting more eminent in this contemporary world, due to good facili
Many educational institutes are seeking the grant from the regime. However, In my opinion, government should use this money for the development of public schools as private organisations are mostly well funded.
Dear John, Hope you are doing fine! How is my country treating you? I hope you are not facing any significant troubles adjusting to this new environment like Malia. Talking about Malia, since the last few days, she ha
I am writing this letter to inform you about my problem with the heating system of my accommodation. I accommodated in Unit 30 and most of the time we don't have hot water also sometimes this system has bad noise same bo
How are you, I am glad to hear that you decided to license in next month, that is absolutely great idea for driving by yourself. To get your own driving license means you no need to wait for ride or other public transi
Hope you and your family doing well. I really felt very happy when I saw your letter. I am happy to come to know about you are planning to learn a driving class which was a wonderful idea. It's really necessary when cons
I'm so glad that you have finally decided to learn to drive. I cannot wait to see you on the roads. I have written down a few important pointers that you need to follow to have a safe drive experience.
The number of kids, who choose not to finish studying in high school, is becoming bigger and bigger with each year. This essay will look at the reason for this and what can be done by parents and teachers to handle this
As a number of research, as well as any anecdotal evidence,pieces of ,evidence suggests that there are apparent merits of private schools,on the other hand, some people think that it brings demerits for the communities.I
My name is Naomi Umami. I am one of the tenants at your property on Robson Street. I am writing this letter with regard to the problem we are having with the hot water and heating system in our flat.
I am writing to express my disappointment with this current situation in my apartment. I have been a loyal tenant for more than four years and this problem never happened before. Besides that, I always paid my rent with
Some people believe that parents of children who attend private schools should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I completely disagree with this view. For a variety of reasons, it wou
Continuous learning after school hours is an essential part of knowledge building. Some students learn along with their families while some have private tutors. It is often debatable whether a tuition teacher is benefici
As soon as I learned from your sister that you are thinking about learning to drive, I instantly got enthusiastic and started to write this letter to you.
I am so sorry that I haven’t written to you since our last visit. I got very happy when I received your email, which was about your decision to get your driving license.
Some people believe that parents of children who attend private schools should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I completely disagree with this view. Who pay for private education. Fi
Some people believe that parents of children who attend private schools should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I completely disagree with this view. For a variety of reasons, it w
In many countries , parents trend to enroll their children in private school rather than public school .There are certain merits I studying at high I institution .its disadvantaged should not overlooked.K am in opi