IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is a proven fact which highlights that one’s personality has a higher influence on the characteristics which comes along with birth, than from experiences we encounter. I strongly agree with the above statement and th
Some of the scientific findings reveal that inborn features have more impact on our personality and development than any experience we may have in our life. This essay will articulate both the views along with my percept
Nature or Nurture? It is controversial whether genetic inheritance or living circumstances affect more to form each person's character. Needless to say, both influences are inevitable, and the answer has remained elusive
Nature or Nurture? It is a controversial topic whether genetic inheritance or living circumstances affect more to form each person's character. Needless to say, both influences are inevitable, and the answer has remained
There is no doubt that human personality has become an impotant topic which is being studied by the scientific community. While some studies reveal that genetic factors have a massive influence on our personality and dev
Many studies claim that qualities that are gifted to us since birth directly impacts our character as a person more than what we learn in our lifetime. In my opinion, experience teaches us the best life lessons and help
As per the latest research on genetics, it is revealed that we carry genes of our forefathers thus we resemble their character a lot and this plays a major role in deciding our characteristics and development. I believe
Today's modern era, numerous researches have been done about human's nature. While some people say either person is more affected by birth characters or some say daily life has more impact on a person's life. In my view,
Many scientific works have shown that innate features have a higher effect on our individuality and growth when compared to any life experiences. I believe that inborn abilities play major roles in the formation of ones
Researchers found that the inborn quality we acquired during our childhood stage shapes our life rather than the different kinds of experience life teach us on every phase of the life's journey.This essay discuss about b
It is indeed true, in many countries around the globe, researches have conducted experiments and examinations and have concluded that genetic traits have a greater influence on the personality and development of an indiv
In recent years, the question of whether the environment has an impact on human characteristics or not, raising many public controversies. Although many people will have different characteristics, the experiences that we
The research has shown that the characteristics we are born with, having much more effect on our personality than experiences which we have. I believe that research tells us the truth about the importance of genes we got
The inherited characters we are born with affects our behaviour and growth is what research states, but some do believe that our experience with life may also affect us. Certainly, the genes majorly influence our growth,
The research shows that the characteristics we are born with, having much more effect on our personality than experiences which we have. I believe that research tells us the truth about the importance of genes we got fro
It is irrefutable that the nature of a person is influenced by his innate characteristics, as well as the training and experience he has been served by the society. In my opinion, the upbringing and experiences of an ind
A person’s quality defines his persona. Studies have shown that, peculiarities in human beings that lodged by birth are more persuasive, irrespective of the copious understandings gathered in life. Here we will moot, whi
It is believed that the traits we are born with have a higher impact on our persona and enhancement, than the events that we go through in our lives. I consider the latter one to be the most important influence, which is
Many studies have been conducted to understand human psychology. One of the research suggests that characteristics inherited during the birth are the most important factor affecting our personality and development rather
The people are certainly becoming more aware about the nurturing of the tender. Some people opine that the attributed that come with the child are creating more impact on their attitude. However, others think that this b
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