IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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With an ever-increasing concern about how to handle reading methods in children's education, Some people have opined that online reading materials should be only used for learning to read. The rest of the population, ho
Many people argue that individuals utilize online reading resources for children to get a knowledge and other community prefer the soft copy material for learning. I agree with a toched materials are used in various aspe
It is often argued by the majority of people that young children should acquire reading skills with online sources, while others suspect that paper-based materials are more effective. This essay analyzes both statements
It is often argued by the majority of people that young children should acquire reading skills with online sources, while others suspect that paper-based materials are more effective. This essay analyzes both statements
in era of gobalization , the concept of online studies became popular nowadays because people believed that it save their money and environment by buying paper based books but some believed that books are more usefull as
In the modern era, a lot of controversies surround the issue of reading in children. It is believed by some people that electronic devices are more appropriate for kids to read while others disagree and still follow the
Online reading materials versus printed materials for teaching children to read is a topic that generates divergent opinions. Some argue that online resources should exclusively be employed, while others maintain that on
I am strongly showing my interest in the BA (Hons) Business Administration Management (Top-up) course at the University of Huddersfield because I think this course will not only boost my career but also increase my exist
Some people argue that whether solely online reading tools or printed handout is suitable for learning children. In this essay, there are many reasons behind this, which I'm going to explain.
It has been frequently argued that young readers ought to use the internet to enhance their knowledge, whereas, others opine that they should use books, newspapers, or other such materials. This essay intends to shed li
Nowadays mor people have one or two cars. Fortunately, developing countries improve standard of living due to this people can buy expensive stuff for satisfy the demand. On the one hand there is a benefit of this techno
In the present age, whether children should use online reading resources to learn to read has sparked a lot of debate. Some people assert that children should only use online reading books available to learn to read, w
Reading is one of the very essential parts of children's life. Most people believe reading books should be in a form of online books ,,however others believe in hard copy materials for studying.In my opinion I would supp
It is undeniable that children in modern society have very attracted to technology education leads to using various materials in online solutions associated with education and easier accessible
It certainly cannot be denied that in this modernization people have an excess of online material that they easily found on the internet and it is not rocket science for people to utilize this while some people think th
In this contemporary epoch, the debate over whether or not children should only learn via online means has become a controversial argument. Whilst some opponents emphasize that hard copy materials are much more convenien
While there are people who believe that online reading goods should only be used for a child to learn to read, there are also people that believe only printed material should be used. Personally, I don't have a particula
It is a fact that there are numerous ways to learn, and reading is one of the widely accepted methods over the past few centuries. Nowadays some people advocate that digital reading materials should only be used for a ch
Some individuals assert that using printed materials is the best way a child could improve their reading abilities. Nevertheless, there are those people who think computer-based materials should be more effective.
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