IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A group of people present the view that we should be tolerant of a bad situation such as job dissatisfaction or a lack of money. However, others believe that making an effort to improve these situations is a more efficie
Whilst some people believe in accepting a difficult condition of life, others believe that every person deserves a hope for a better life condition. In my opinion. Everyone has a choice and certain reasons like the unsat
Whilst some people believe in accepting a difficult condition of life, others believe that every person deserves a hope for a better life condition. In my opinion everyone has a choice and certain reasons like unsatisfac
Some say that not reacting to an unsatisfactory situation is better because it is what universe wants, while others say improving them is a better thing to do because with the power of free will, we can shape our lives i
there is no denying on the fact that people should to keep improving thier career as much as they can, while some people decide to set at the same stage of the job's levels even though it has down conditions. in this ess
It is believed by some people that if anyone is not successful he should have the mentality to understand his condition. while others believe it is important to put maximum effort into overcoming the bad conditions. This
Each person’s condition in this world is not the same. Some people are rich while others do not even have a dollar in their wallet. Some people think accepting a bad condition, for example, lack of money and an unsatisfy
Each person’s condition in this world is not the same. Some people are rich while others do not even have a dollar in their wallet. Some people think accepting a bad condition, for example lack of money and unsatisfying
It is controversial topic whether people might aspire to enhance their life conditions or accept when they encounter an unfulfilled job or a lack of money. In my opinion people should always pave their way forward and su
Although some suppose that people should tolerate unwelcommed events such as job dissatisfaction and money deficite, there is an idea, and it is also in my favour, that individuals should not accept their problems and tr
There is no denying the fact that bad situations complex concept. While it is a commonly held belief that some persons hope that it is prefer to accept a sad situation, there is also an argument that other people say it
Living in this modern era means that sometimes we listen to plenty of ideas, notably when confirming how we react in a worst situation. Some people believe accepting a bad scenario, like unvalued works or lack of money i
Nowadays some individuals may think it is the best approach sometimes to face unfortunate events like an unfavourable job or deficit of money and make no changes. While others may not agree with particular beliefs and tr
Some argue that the only way to face bad conditions is to accept them, like job satisfaction or through budget, whereas others claim that is better to struggle for advancement in these situations. I opine that we should
Nowadays some individuals may think it is the best approach sometimes to face unfortunate events like an unfavorable job or deficit of money and make no changes. While others may not agree with particular beliefs and try
Opinions are divided as to whether people should accept an unpleasant situation or make progress to change their life. In my eyes individuals should do anything to make themselves happy.
It is evident that there are split opinions regarding whether accepting depressive experiences such as substandard performance and capital deficiency is the optimal solution, meanwhile, others believe that individual gro
Some people think that it is ok to accept worse conditions, while others claim that we should give ourselves a chance to make our lives better. In my opinion, I think that sometimes, we can do nothing with our situations
Some people think that it is ok to accept worse conditions, while others claim that we should give ourselves a chance to make our lives better. In my opinion, I think that some time, we can do nothing with our situation
Some people think that it is ok to accept worse condition, while others claim that we should give us a chance to make our life better. In my opinion, I think that at sometime, we con do nothing with our situations but ma
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