IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people think that it is ok to accept worse conditions, while others claim that we should give ourselves a chance to make our lives better. In my opinion, I think that some time, we can do nothing with our situation
Some people think that it is ok to accept worse condition, while others claim that we should give us a chance to make our life better. In my opinion, I think that at sometime, we con do nothing with our situations but ma
Due to the arrival of new technologies, our world changed beyond the recognition in the period from 1990 to modern days. Consequently, it led to a rise in countries with developed economies where everybody has access to
There are several points of view on tackling daily life difficulties and challenges. Some believe that acceptance and suffering are the best strategies. Others reckon that it is unacceptable to embrace any inconvenience
In life, bad situations, such as unsatisfactory jobs or financial problems are inevitable and we must deal with them no matter what. It is often argued that the best way to handle a difficult  situation is by accepting i
In life, bad situations, such as unsatisfactory job or financial problems are inevitable and we must deal with it no matter what. It is often argued that the best way to handle a difficult situation is by accepting it, w
It is believed by a group of people that, It is better to simmer down in an unsatisfactory situation while some people think that, tying to improve an unpleasant phase of life is better. Personally, I strongly agree with
It is believed by some that it is better to accept unwelcoming situations which might be caused by lack of money or issues related with work. While others believe the opposite, they agree it is better to overcome these i
It is a common belief that people should satisfy their lifestyle even when that is poor, but some people disagree and think that should be changed. In this essay, both viewpoints will be discussed and a couple of opinion
Life often presents challenging scenarios, like unfulfilling employment or financial difficulties, leading to divergent views on whether to accept these hardships or strive for change. This essay explores both perspectiv
Not all conditions are always pleasant in life such as an unfavourable job or insufficient funds, and the best way to deal with terrible things is merely to acknowledge them. However, some feel that a bitter condition is
Nowadays, the ratio of unemployment is very high. The uneducated people face a lot of problems. On the other hand, well-educated people live luxury life. Both situations and my opinion will be discussed in this essay.
According to some people, we should accept unacceptable situations like an unsatisfactory profession or scarcity of money. However, others believe that, instead we should try to improve those situations. I personally bel
The acceptance of a bad situation is the best way of life for some people. While some others, including myself, argue that any effort to improve the situation would be beneficial, because of avoiding disappointment in th
People often argue that if they get into a bad situation, it is easy to admit the problem. On the other hand, some people believe that it is time to improve from the mistake. In general, This essay will discuss both view
Whilst some people believe it is best to accept a bad situation, others might think that improving the situation can be a better option. I believe that overcoming problems by making more effort is a better decision, rath
Some have argued that in time of awful stage of life, acceptance is the best reaction. However, opponents of this, myself included, idea believe that the best way to encounter challenges is through effort and hard work.
There is a debate on whether acceptance of a difficult circumstance, such as being in an unsatisfying job or having a limited income, is the best course of action. However, there are people who believe it is better to tr
In the contemporary world, the debate of whether mature individuals should accept their dismal conditions, such as an unpleasant job or shortage of money, or whether it is better to try to deal with such situations and t
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