IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The debate over whether change is always a good thing or whether it is better to stick to the familiar and unchanging aspects of life has long been a topic of discussion. While some individuals feel comfortable in their
The living patterns of people are changed totally as compared to the previous time. It is because of technology and advancement which has gained place in everyone's life . Folks have different opinions on it, some said i
The living patterns of people are changed totally as compared to the previous time. It is because of technology and advancement which has gained a place in everyone's life . Folks have different opinions on it, some said
Change is inevitable and comes into our lives at every phase. Many people feel that change should be embraced without hesitation, while others believe it is better to avoid new situations. In my opinion, though change
In the present time, individuals around the world take the view that routine is preferable to any changes. In contrast, others believe that change has a beneficial role in our lives. The objective of this essay is to dis
It is apparent that, every person has his own choice of life standards. Some individuals do not want to alter their ways of spending life, while others consider updating their lifestyle as a perfect option. I believe hum
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is the quality of changes that made by humankind over the past centuries.It is undeniable that the devisements and inventions of modern technologies have made our life much di
Change is one of the most important steps for an individual to achieve any kind of success. Although, a few individuals think that adjustment is great, others don’t consider it to be a part of their activity. I believe a
Nowadays, people have different views that they should just repeat doing the same things or consider change is always beneficial. In my opinion, changes may have several advantages, I believe that it will be better if th
Tourism is the main driver factor for boosting the financial state of many countries. Some people believe that tourism should be restricted to preserve and save cultural practices. In my opinion, I believe that preventi
In general, people tend to have different outlooks on how change can affect their lives. some believe that it is better to live a safe with a little life alter. while others agree that creating a change in life and tak
While many prefer accepting the global warming issue, others think that people should take action to cure this problem. Although climate change is something that has already happened, I believe that humans can prevent i
It is argued that venturing out of one's comfort zone and trying new things is beneficial to people, while others disagree and insist that maintaining familiarity without change is their choice. Both sides of the view wi
In today's fast-paced world, people had different perspectives on embracing change in their lives. While some individuals prefer a routine and avoid change, others believe that change is always beneficial. In my opinion,
There are different ways people differ from each other. One of the most prominent differences is the way they see growth in their lives. Some populations enjoy doing monotonous work, while others see change as a beautif
Whether the relative importance of avoiding change and change is a matter of debate. While there is a grain of truth in the assertion that lives without having alternations, I side with the view that changes would bring
Some people have a mindset that modification leads to pitfalls and they would rather stick to their daily routines. While others believe changing over and over again has positive aspects.
No doubt , Nowadays the living style of people is totally changed from the past few decades however on one side people claim that is fruitful for individuals whereas opponents are it against.In this ,essay I will briefl
Nowadays, considerable debate exists between those who believe keeping a stable lifestyle is more beneficial than a changeable one and those who embrace change holding the view that changing always leads to a good result
Much debate has arisen as to whether dangerous criminals deserve a second chance or not. Certainly, every individual is responsible for their immoral actions. But do they deserve to spend the rest of their lives as priso
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